United Kingdom (1915-1918) Prototype – 1 Partially Completed Colonel Rookes Evelyn Bell Crompton had been there right at the birth of the British plan for the machines which were to become known as tanks. In 1915, this veteran of Victorian campaigns in India and acknowledged expert in both ...
capricious and unpredicatble".The report was drawn up by Department of Foreign Affairs officials after unprecedented access to the military court case documents of 26 executed soldiers from Ireland, north and south.It was sent to the British Government nine months ago but no action has yet ...
What it has done however is open a window onto the grief of the families and loved ones these men left behind. For me it is part of building up a comprehensive picture of the battalion and its men, and as such it has helped to bring these names back to life. Posted in CWGC, Queen...
He brought to life the experiences of the soldiers and leaders during this time with descriptions of where allied and german lines would have been for specific battles. Not only did he present Canadian war memorials but included the Australian, Commonw...
to communists attempted to set up governments in the names of the different nationalities. In other areas, existing nation states such as Romania engaged regions that they considered to be theirs. These moves created de facto governments that complicated life for diplomats, idealists, and the wester...
When war was declared in September 1939, King successfully mobilised his small military and civilian team to form the rump of the New Zealand Ordnance Corps (NZOC) within the 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force (2NZEF). During the 1938-45 war, nearly all NZAOC soldiers who had been ...
every soldier had to be trained in exactly what to do and where to go so that he could take command of his platoon in case his NCOs were killed; counter-battery operations-the tactic of spotting and silencing enemy artillery-must also be perfected; the soldiers must be allowed to get as...
The Gazette of the Ardennes was not only intended for the unfortunate inhabitants of the invaded regions. The German Command intended to use it also to demoralize French soldiers and the population of the interior. At the end of 1914, the newspaper was distributed by post, balloons and aircraft...
RIVERHEAD WAR MEMORIAL:Anyone interested in learning more about the WW1 soldiers whose names appear on the Riverhead War Memorial should visit:www.riverheadmemorial.com WORLD WAR 1 POPPIES:Anyone driving or walking through Riverhead lately can’t have failed to see the wond...
(mounting a 75mm L/24 turret) and I believe was called the PZ III SK1. It had a retractable undercarriage to turn it into a Draisine and then could be retracted upwards to allow the tank to leave the rails and proceed on its treads. They abandoned the project apparently because of ...