This turned into a duel between the British male and the German tank, which ended in a draw. The Mark V appeared in late 1917, but was only available in quantities by mid-1918. This was the last wartime evolution of the type, featuring several minor improvements, including a new, long-...
However, after the German defeat at the… Continue reading Lincoln No.1 Machine Tank Mark VI United Kingdom (1917-1918) Heavy Tank – 1 Wooden Mock-up Built The Commander’s Post Battle Conference On 16th June 1917, a conference was held at the 2nd Brigade Headquarters to discuss what...
Units are corps, with each hex representing 25 miles and each turn one or two months. The game includes four 22 x 34 inch maps and four countersheets. A very old Ted Racier offering resurrected by GMT. Previously the two games were published by XTR (where German counters were always black...
While returning towards his side of the lines, after a weapon malfunction ruined an interception of a German recon plane, he encountered a ‘peculiar two seater’. Coming down to take a look, it lacked the hallmarks of most German planes of its type, but its unmistakable crosses marked it ...
It was to carry two American six inch naval guns, arranged side by side in the front, in the same arrangement as the Holt Steam Wheeled Tank’s 2.95" (75 mm) mountain gun. (The six inch was a secondary armament for most American ships at this time.) ...
did much to "torment the Germans ... driving them with the fury of despair into the arms of the devil." The terms of the Armistice did allow food to be shipped into Germany, but the Allies required that Germany provide the ships. The German government was required to use its gold reser...
My plan had diplomatic, naval and ground components, and the maritime portion involved sending both the German and Austro-Hungarian High Seas Fleets on veritable death rides. The idea was to attract (trust me, it did) the French fleet and Royal Navy’s attention and trick them into abandonin...
One of WW1 naval mysteries one step closer to being solved after a £1 billion subsea cable laying project, connecting England and Scotland, results in
August 3: Britain, expecting German naval attack on the northern French coast, states that Britain would give "all the protection in its powers." August 4: Germany invades Belgium according to the modified Schlieffen Plan. August 4 (midnight): Having failed to receive notice from Germany assurin...
Comment:These changes are intended to make the naval game for both sides a greater threat to National Morale and to increase the incentives for a major German naval push against Britain later in the war. 6.2 Reversing NM gains and losses: ...