Tannenberg - Eastern Front In Tannenberg, the Imperial Russian army goes up against German and Austro-Hungarian forces in the wild landscapes of the east. Move fast and watch your flanks to encircle the enemy before they do the same to you! Publisert av BlackMill Games Utviklet av BlackMill ...
In the meantime, German sappers (military engineers) were actively conducting their own underground operations, seeking out Allied tunnels to assault and counter-mine. Of the New Zealanders alone, 41 died and 151 were wounded as a result of German counter-mining. Most of the tunnels and ...
On the right a small German party was seen near the road into Meteren, but it was soon dispersed by rapid fire. Morris took his machine guns into the enclosures to cover the right flank. Between this lane and the outskirts of the village there was first a field to cross, on the far...