In October, production Salamanders began being painted in unique disruptive camouflage patterns. This practice started on the 3rd prototype. This would be one of the first times the RAF would officially camouflage paint aircraft, something that would eventually become a mainstay in the next World Wa...
72005 - WW1 German Artillery Markings* In 1915-16 the first real camouflage schemes started to appear. The plain Feldgrau colour was supplemented by other colours - the Feldgrau was not over-painted per se. What colours to use and in what patterns, was left to the units themselves. And ...
Many broke down at the start, others were bogged down in large craters or broke down en route, and the rest were dealt with by German artillery. The one third which survived, however, did their job. The first offensive was a success despite terrible losses and lack of coordination, mostly...