The declaration of war and subsequent mobilisation halted any plans for further peacetime training of cooks, as all efforts shifted towards providing trained personnel for the New Zealand Expeditionary Force. The NZASC expanded its role at home and as part of the NZEF, taking on responsibility for...
History of World War I - WW1 - The Great War - World War 1 Facts - WW I - World War I Movies - WW 1 Videos - Over 10,000 Airplane Videos and Growing! Living Warbirds is your largest aircraft and aviation resource. From World War I and World War II airpla
Our first game has quite the variety of weapons, and this is a function both of gameplay design choices and the setting: the Western Front saw some of the greatest weapon variety in the war. With some of the largest and most heavily industrialized countries gradually moving to a total war ...
Was George Washington president during a war? Did Woodrow Wilson have the Spanish flu? Why did Woodrow Wilson propose the Fourteen Points? What laws did Woodrow Wilson pass? Why did President Wilson ask Congress for a declaration of war during World War I?Explore...
1918. It is amazing to note that a single terrorist assassination set all these defensive treaties, meant to protect nations and keep them from going to war, into motion. Ironically, nations that had signed treaties to keep them out of war suddenly found themselves drawn into a 4-year ...
Mechanized warfare: Remembering the introduction of the tank in WWI. ... World War I was a turning point in warfare. In its time, it was the most significant
For this reason, the Vazdušna Komanda (Eng. Air Force Command) was formed in the city of Niš at the end of 1912. The first 30 aircraft were brought from France in the same year. Some of these saw service during the First Balkan War, where they were mainly involved in ...
The present Declaration is only binding on the Contracting Powers in case of war between two or more of them. it show that there wasawarenessof possibility of launching “projectiles and explosives” from “balloons”yet in 19th centuryand presume it was deemed distinct possibility, taking in acc...
World War 1 San Remo conference The San Remo Conference was an international meeting of the post-World War I Allied Supreme Council, held in Sanremo, Italy, from 19 to 26 April 1920. It was attended by the four Principal Allied Powers of World War I who were represented by the prime min...
With the German declaration of war against Russia on August 1, 1914, all hope had been lost of the conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary remaining a localized affair. Armies were already mobilizing along what would become the Eastern Front. Rennenkampf crossed the frontier on August 17, ...