Snippet Runner Cookbook Prototyping code without the overhead of writing and verifying a complete plugin or application. Extending the SaveAsXML Plugin Enabling Acrobat to save documents in a customized text-based format. Interapplication Communication Using DDE, OLE, Apple events, and AppleScript to...
'Torchwood' Series 6, Part 1 is all geared up t launch their next set of riveting stories in October of this year itself. Part 2 is expected to follow soon in February and it's concluding part 3 which will complete the season, is due in June 2019. will complete the s...
Release Date – September 1, 2023 Setting – Iowa This is the final book for my Literary Escapes Challenge. Then I have to choose a Cozy Mystery released before 2000 to complete the Library Card Mini Challenge for my Craving for Cozies Challenge. I may go a little out of the box with ...