iOS 13 Warning: We are aware of an issue where users upgrading from iOS 12 to iOS 13 are losing access to their historical data in the WW Body Analysis Scale Tracker app. Our team is working quickly to resolve this issue for all users. In the meantime, we've added a new feature in...
“Third-Party Partners”). For example, if you use the body Analysis Bluetooth Scale from Conair and sync your weight to our App, your information will be shared with us and Conair. If you decide to obtain a product or service or participate in a joint promotion that is offered by us ...
The Weight Watchers by Conair Body Analysis and Weight Tracking Scale has a weight capacity of up to 350 lbs. and can perform a thorough bio-impedance analysis for each user. Additional health metrics such as body fat, body water, bone mass and BMI are analyzed and tracked using up to 10...
Scale bar is 10 μm. (B–C) Relative Golgi size was determined based on Golgin97 staining. Each dot represents a single cell. N = 17–42 cells. Data are means ± SD. Differences between each value were analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (***:...
To assess the fecundity of the WW females that had been fertilized by WW neo-males, berried WW females (n = 11) were weighed before and after hatching of the larvae. The ratio of egg mass to body weight (BSI16,18) was calculated. A meta-analysis was conducted to compare these re...
quite in agreement with the previous IHC studies and thyroid, brain, testis, ovary and prostate demonstrated to be the tissues with the highest expression levels in that order (Fig. 2) as per the EMBL-EBI Expression Atlas ( Illumina Body Map (experiment E-MTAB-513)...
The WW smart bathroom scale app is a companion app to our smart bathroom scales. Easily track your weight, body fat, body water, bone mass and BMI (Body Mass In…
(right) fromWwc1/2fl/flandWwc1/2Syn-cKOmice are shown. Scale bar, 2 μm.DQuantifications of dendritic spine density of the pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex region (left,Wwc1/2fl/fl,n = 22;Wwc1/2Syn-cKO,n = 23) and hippocampal neurons in the dentate gyrus ...
Scale bar, 25 µm. (B) Quantitative analysis of average soma size of microglia in each group. n = 4, per group. (C) Microglial cells were pretreated with wwl70 (50 μM) or wwl70 (50 μM) and AM630 (10 μM) for 2 h and then treated with synthetic Aβ1–...
A cylinder is an example of a bluff body [19]. The presence of the cylinder downstream of the step changes the flow behavior from its behaviour in a classical BFSF. Some studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of a rotating cylinder on the BFSF of laminar flow and heat ...