1 data_clean Public 自己写的一个识别MongoDB里面异常数据的python脚本 interface_test_wysh Public 接口自动化测试---基于Jmeter+Ant+Jenkins HTML 2 1 Something went wrong, please refresh the page to try again. If the problem persists, check the GitHub status page or contact support. Footer...
wuyongsheng/interface_test_wysh master BranchesTags Code README 简介 一个完整的接口自动化测试平台需要支持接口的自动执行,自动生成测试报告,以及持续集成。Jmeter支持接口的 测试,Ant支持自动构建,而 Jenkins支持持续集成,所以三者组合在一起可以构成个功能完善的接口自动化测试平台。
wuyongsheng (吴勇胜(Vincent)) 第43961 位Users 注册日期: 2019-05-31 0 篇帖子 1 条回帖 0 关注者 1 正在关注 0 收藏 GitHub Public Repos baidu-netdisk-downloaderx 1 ⚡️ 一款图形界面的百度网盘不限速下载器,支持 Windows、Linux 和 Mac。 https://hacpai.com/tag/bnd Restful_Api_Test ...
Wu Yongsheng:An on-the-spot report on rapid development of textile machinery industryHistoric social reform Astonishing brilliant achievements The historical development has been promoted within the short forty years.The national people have facilitated development of the productive force through ideological ...
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Yongsheng received his Master degree in Computer Science from Stanford University. 活动家是第三方嘉宾邀约平台。可根据演讲议题、会议日期、活动预算等要求,为您提供该领域内专业嘉宾演讲邀约服务。您可准备好活动信息后,联系客服电话:18911802888(工作日9时至18时,仅邀约嘉宾出席活动,其他需求勿扰) 该公司其他嘉宾 ...
Yongsheng Wu Head of Big Data and Machine Learning Platform Pinterest Seasoned leader in building & growing high-performance teams, and building platforms at web scale to empower rapid product innovations. Leading a team of 40+ engineers on building an end-to-end big data and machine learning ...
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