吴晓波 WU Xiaobo 关于我们 ABOUT UBI项目 PROGRAM UBI新闻 NEWS 教授教学 FACULTY UBI之声 VOICE 联系我们 CONTACT 教授教学 按照姓名 DBA师资 EMBA师资 MBA师资 EE师资 在线申请 UBI中国教育中心 教授简介 后退 教授 博士生导师 浙江大学管理学院 社会科学学部主任...
吴晓波频道:十年二十人 2018 7.6 演员- 自己 / 导演 / 编剧 吴晓波年终秀:预见2018 2017 演员 百心百匠 2017 演员- 自己 “预见2017”吴晓波频道年终秀 2016 其它 汉口五百年 2016 演员- 自己 有志·赢在中国 2016 演员- 自己 圆桌派 第一季 2016 8.8 演员- 自己 <前页 1 2 后页> (共32条) >...
吴晓波频道:十年二十人 2230 2018 7.6 演员- 自己 / 导演 / 编剧 吴晓波年终秀:预见2018 118 2017 演员 百心百匠 1911 2017 演员- 自己 “预见2017”吴晓波频道年终秀 65 2016 其它 汉口五百年 213 2016 演员- 自己 有志·赢在中国 83 2016 演员- 自己 圆桌派 第一季 85123 2016 8.8 演员- 自己...
吴晓波 Xiaobo Wu 4080 人收藏 出生日期: 1968年09月09日 收藏 作家介绍 吴晓波,财经作家,1968年出生浙江宁波,毕业于复旦大学新闻系,哈佛大学访问学者,“蓝狮子”财经图书出版人。曾任上海交通大学、暨南大学EMBA课程教授,常年从事公司研究。毕业后开始了他长达13年的商业记者生涯。2001年吴晓波出版的《大败局》证明...
Wu Xiaobo, a Chinese surgeon from the People's Hospital of Wuxi, was praised as a hero because he saved the life of a passenger (1) (suffer) a heart attack mid-flight, (2) (report) the Beijing Youth Daily yesterday. On Sept 29, 2017, Wu was flying to Los Angeles (3) a fell...
Wu Xiaobo is a doctor from Jiangsu, China. InSeptember,2019,he went to see his son in Americaand he became a hero(英雄) during the trip.Wu's plane took off on September 29th.He wouldfly to Los Angeles with his wife. On the plane, apassenger fell unconscious(昏迷的).People called fo...
1Wu Xiaobo is a doctor from Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. In September 2017, he went to see his son staying in America by plane. After saving the lives of two passengers during the trip, he became a hero.Wu's plane took off on September 29. He and his wife planned to fly to Los...
High contributions. More Contribution activity September2024 Created 1 repository wuxiaobo/nlp_notesJupyter Notebook This contribution was made on Sep 7Sep 7 LoadingShow more activity Seeing something unexpected? Take a look at theGitHub profile guide....
因为一本萨缪尔森的《经济学》,年轻的吴晓波被接纳成为了记者,开启了自己的写作人生。他大量阅读商业经典书籍,这成为他创作的养分,帮助他写出了《大败局》、“激荡”系列,也帮助他在商业经营的路上取得成就。 这一次,他首次公开自己的私房书单,从上千本喜爱的书里,挑出必读的五十本,组合成六个知识模块,从底层的经济...
【题目】Wu Xiaobo, a Chinese surgeon from the People's Hospital of Wuri, was praised as a hero because he saved the life of a passenger(suffer) a heart attack mid-flight,(report) the Beijing Youth Daily yesterday.On September 29, 2017, Wu was flying to Los Angelesa fellow passenger ...