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Wuxi Taxus Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. basic intro: jiangsu yew pharmaceutical co., ltd was established in 2006 according to cgmp standard with an investment of usd 22 million, and 80000 square meters construction. it imported the most advanced automatic production line. the company had planted yew...
企业名称 Wuxi Taxus Pharmaceutical co.,ltd 企业类型 生产商 地址 -No111 donggang town xishan district wuxi city,-214199 -wuxi,China 国家/地区 中国 省份 江苏 公司官网 暂无权限 备注 若未能联系上供应商,可在药智通发布求购信息(https://s.yaozh.com/Purchase/release),或联系药智通客服17318480790...