Of the 144027 characters on Anime Characters Database, 37 are from the mobile game Wuthering Waves.
Identify and discover animated characters through our visual search; mini-games, quotes, cosplay and more! Claim an anime girl as your waifu.
Wuthering Waves: Regia di Solon Lee. Con James Alexander, Chika Anzai, Yoshino Aoyama, Jennifer Armour. A free-to-play open-world action RPG that blends fast-paced combat, deep character development, and exploration. Players can experience a massive worl
Windows<path-to-game>\Wuthering Waves Game\Client\Saved\ScreenShot[Note 2] Video•Link Graphics featureStateNotes Widescreen resolution Multi-monitor Ultra-widescreen 4K Ultra HD Field of view (FOV) Windowed Borderless fullscreen windowed Anisotropic filtering (AF)4x by default, UE4 setting appears...
数据日期:2024.1.6 (定期更新,欢迎反馈) 细节说明: 仅显示有编辑的年份月份 不统计对用户命名空间下页面的编辑 不统计页面开头为'Data:'的页面(由脚本/机器人编辑) 仅统计数字用户名(B站用户),以排除wiki初始化和导入的编辑 使用北京时间UTC+8计算编辑日期 20230608:使用模板减小页面大小...
Talk:Wuthering Waves Anonymous edits have been disabled on the wiki. If you want to contribute pleaseloginorcreatean account. Warning for game developers:PCGamingWiki staff members will only ever reach out to you using the officialpress@pcgamingwiki.commail address....
2025/02/13 10:00 ~ 2025/03/26 03:59 常驻 逆境深塔 ◆深境之塔 回音之塔 残响之塔 推荐属性: 深境干扰: ·敌方湮灭抗性降低10% ·角色造成重击伤害时,全队攻击提高10%,普攻伤害提高10%,持续18秒,最多叠加3层,重复出发刷新持续时间。 常驻活动 ...
Wuthering Waves Skill Finder/Searcher, Formatter, Mapper A simple program (Python project) I made out of boredom to automatically format character's skill/kits (works with Fandom Wiki format) from Wuthering Waves using Dimbreath's WutheringData. Supports searching by character's name, skill name,...
鸣潮助手,主要功能有获取角色信息,解锁帧率,实现库街区签到,游戏时长统计以及抽卡分析(支持国际服账号)。WutheringWavesTool is a user-friendly tool that can replace the native launcher for daily use, while providing useful features such as card draw analysi
Wuthering Wavesis an open-world gacha RPG with online co-op elements. You’ll dive into a majestic post-apocalyptic world to reclaim lost memories, gather awesome Resonator characters, and save the day. The awesome thing aboutWuWais that besides hoarding 4-star and 5-star characters, you’ll...