The first step is to gather some Exile disguises from nearby camps. Head to the marked locations and defeat theenemies inWuthering Wavesto collect the required article of clothing. Next, head back to Qianshan and get some important documents to memorize. Qianshan's Quiz Answers After a while, ...
Taoqi is a slow and methodical character. She doesn't hit quite as quickly asWuthering Waves'main character Rover, nor does she hit as hard as someone like Calcharo. However, she can be very tanky when fully built, and her burst damage isn't bad either if you use the right weapons a...
To claim your Union Level rewards inWuthering Waves,you must unlock them first.Even though you start gaining Union Level experience as soon as you start playing the game, you won’t have a way to claim rewards untilafter you’ve completed the introductory quests in Jinzhou(the main capital)....
Wuthering Waves’first new map area is off the coast of the Whining Aix’s Mire, featuring new area events, quests, and scenes. There are also new mechanics you need to master, including the Chronosorter, which alters the flow of time in a small area; a Leap Device, which allows you ...
How To Perform Outro and Intro Skill in Wuthering Waves? Players will notice an icon for Concerto Energy located on the left side of the active character's HP bar. This Concerto Energy gradually fills as the character deals damage or performs dodges. When the Concerto Energy bar is full, ...
The most lucrative method for earning money inWuthering Wavesis bycompleting daily challengesand participating in random world events. Specifically, Exploration Quests, Forgery Challenges, and Side Quests yield the highest amount of Shell Credits with minimal grind. ...