Wuthering Waves is set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic open world, where a mysterious catastrophe known as the Lament swept the globe, wiping out most of humanity and leaving it on the verge of extinction. After the calamity, unknown beings and monsters appeared around the world, but humanity...
Download Wuthering Waves on PC with MEmu Android Emulator. Enjoy playing on big screen. A Genshin Impact-like open-world action RPG, but with better and unique experiences!
Download & play Wuthering Waves: Version 2.0 on PC with NoxPlayer(emulator). Play games with a big screen and keyboard! Wuthering Waves is a storyrich openworld action RPG with a high degree of freedom.
Wuthering Waves versjon 2.0 er ute nå! Du reiser til en ny nasjon – Rinascita, og en av statene i den – Ragunna, som er velkjent for raffinert kunstanerkjennelse og ekstravagante karneval, Her eies kraft og rikdom av innflytelsesrike familier, der kunst, inspirasjon og rikdom bla...
Best Jinhsi teams – Wuthering Waves Jinhsi benefits from having Resonators with Coordinated Attacks by her side, as this will help her build enough stacks of Incandescence to unleash her full damage potential. Jinhsi (Main DPS), Yinlin (Hybrid), Verina (Support) Jinhsi’s current premium ...
Hey Seweryn, thanks for joining me today! For people who might not have spoken to you on our Discord, could you introduce yourself, please? My name is Seweryn, alias Sewer56, if you see me on the web; and I’m ... 20 Comments ...
Wuthering Wavesis a free-to-play, open-world adventure RPG developed by Kuro Games. In it, you play as Rover, an explorer who has found themselves lost in a mysterious land. Soon, you learn of an ongoing war between heroes known as Resonators and dangerous foes known as Tacet Discord...
Wuthering Waves is a singleplayer action and RPG game. General information Official Discord server Availability • Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Official website Epic Games Store All versions require a Kuro Games account and a constant internet connection for all game modes. Monetization • Link...
WutheringWaves Wuthering Waves server emulator (0.9.0) OUTDATED This project is not maintaned anymore. If you're still interested in Wuthering Waves server emulator, consider using our new one:Shorekeeper How to run Compile and run SDKServer and GameServer using dotnet8 (Visual Studio 2022 recom...
Wuthering Wavesfeatures nearly 200 achievements for you to obtain, each rewarding you with various amounts ofAstrite. Whether you’re looking to get a few thousand Astrite for your gacha pulls or just want to 100 percent your achievement list, knowing how to complete them all can help you pl...