is packed with interesting characters to collect. Most characters require time and patience to obtain, so it’s important to know which ones you should unlock with your hard-earned Astrite. Here’s ourtier list of every characterinWuthering Wavesbased on their strength, value, and utility. Rec...
Alongside intriguingcombat mechanics like Echo skills, Outro and Intro skills are another combat aspect that doesn't particularly exist in many other games in this scale, even though swapping between charcaters at certain moments can be key in those as well, albeit, not the same extent. What I...
榜单内容在根据鸣潮中不同共鸣者在执行任务关卡时所用的技能、战斗能力、战斗中的整体易用性、所需用时等方面进行比较。来对鸣潮中的不同共鸣者进行评级。 根据角色在团队中的角色和能力,等级清单分为 3 类角色:输出、副输出和支援。 注意,来自同一级别不同类别的共鸣者并不意味著它们的角色机制是相同的。 例...