While completing the Secret Investigation Quest inWuthering Waves, players must disguise themselves as another person and go undercover. You need to find two Terminals that contain valuable information without raising suspicions. Sadly, that can’t be done easily, as Resonators need to memorize a lo...
Taoqi is a slow and methodical character. She doesn't hit quite as quickly asWuthering Waves'main character Rover, nor does she hit as hard as someone like Calcharo. However, she can be very tanky when fully built, and her burst damage isn't bad either if you use the right weapons a...
Outro and Intro Skills are integral parts of each resonator's kit in Wuthering Waves, and they feature unique animations and benefits.For example, DPS characters like Encorecan deal additional damage when exiting and entering combat by switching between characters at specific times, while support-ori...
Shell Credits are the universal currency inWuthering Waves, used for all upgrades and shopping needs. While they may seem abundant initially, players soon realize that each upgrade, level-up, and ascension demands substantial sums of money. As a result, players often feel the need to start farm...