These locations aredangerous zonesthathold a ton of rewards in exchange for a battle with some really tough enemies.Wuthering Wavesplayers have to walk to the massive Resonance Cord in the ground, activate it, and defeat all of the Tacet Discords that spawn in the area to complete the challe...
AllWuthering Wavesservers and their alleged locations There are onlyfive serversinWuthering Wavesso far, excluding the Chinese one, which isn’t accessible without third-party applications. Here are the five servers and our recommendations of which you should choose depending on your location. The de...
While completing the Secret Investigation Quest inWuthering Waves, players must disguise themselves as another person and go undercover. You need to find two Terminals that contain valuable information without raising suspicions. Sadly, that can’t be done easily, as Resonators need to memorize a lo...
Although Taoqi isn't ranked as high compared toother Resonators inWuthering Waves,she's far from terrible. There's a bit of a learning curve involved, but any player who digs their teeth into her playstyle can get a lot of value from this character. Here's a short guide showcasing bas...
How to confirm the patrol route in Wuthering Waves using sensor Once you get to the Rearguards Base, talk to thePassing Midnight Rangeras part of the main Echoing March quest. He will give you another quest to check theDetection Beaconswhich went offline. To find them, you need tofollow ...
Wuthering Waves - Gameplay Trailer Added on: Sep 29, 2022 Wuthering Waves - First Impressions Trailer Added on: Sep 29, 2022 View All Videos » More Options Games You May Like Released Games Popular Games Destiny: Mirrored Gemini, (AND) ...
There are 139 known Sonance Casket locations inWuthering Waves. They are all over the map, from inside Jinzhou city to end-game regions. Below is a map of every Sonance Casket location: In other words, you likely won’t max out your Casket Delivery levels for a while. Nonetheless, stoppin...
Wuthering Waves Penitent's End Overflowing Palette locations guide Comment Wuthering Waves Nimbus Sanctum Overflowing Palette locations guide Comment Wuthering Waves Fagaceae Peninsula Overflowing Palette locations guide Comment Wuthering Waves Where Wind Returns to Celestial Realms quest guide ...
To unlock Dailies inWuthering Waves, you will need to play until the end of Act 1 Part 3, and finish that story mission completely. Once it is done, you will get access to the Dailies in your Guidebook as part of the Activity Tracker. I will not drop any spoilers on the quest, as...
Wuthering Waves' combat is slow-paced in a way that enemies can have a quick succession of attacks, but theyusually enter a short cooldown before launching another series of attacks. However, if you get caught by any of these regular attacks, you'll see the health bar of your active char...