录取学生中比较多的专业是Arts & Sciences,有260人,其次是Engineering,66人。 (图片来源:WashU官方数据) WashU是美国历史上建校最早、最负盛名的“华盛顿大学”,美国9所“新常春藤”名校之一,在U.S.News 2023全美最佳大学排名位列全美第15位。 WashU在众多学科领域一直处于美国甚至世界的领先地位。其医学院闻名于世...
文理学院 College of Arts & Sciences 1853工程学院 School of Engineering 1854法学院 School of Law 1867艺术学院 College of Art 1879医学院 School of Medicine 1891建筑学院 College of Architecture 1910奥林商学院 Olin Business School 1917文理研究生院 Graduate School of Arts & Sciences 1922乔治沃伦布朗社会...
课程由商学院和School of Engineering & Applied Science and Arts & Sciences的教授共同讲授,确保学生能够学到相关的商科和计算机课程,掌握运用计算机处理数据的方法。目前开设了六个分支方向,分别为:Customer Analytics; Healthcare Analytics; Supply Chain Analytics; Accounting Analytics; Financial Technology Analytics,...
Tuition is the same for domestic and international students, and university housing is available. The university has academic divisions that offer studies in a variety of fields: art and architecture, arts and sciences, business, engineering, law, medicine, and social work and public health. ...
车辆违规、触发火警等等特别多的incidents,大大小小的事情 223 艺术出国吧 JennyNiu_PF 美国各州 -- 知名艺术院校分布Academy of Art University 旧金山艺术大学--AAU (旧称为AAC) Art Center College of Design 设计艺术中心学院--ACCD California College of Arts (原加州艺术与工艺学院)加州艺术学院_(CCA) ......
Korotev, a research professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences in Arts and Sciences, WUSTL, has studied lunar samples and their chemical compositions since he was an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin and "was in the right place at the right time" in 1969 to be a...
These students have taken advantage of the 45-year-old Dual Degree program, in which students attend a liberal arts college or university for three to four years earning a bachelor’s degree, then come to Washington University in St. Louis to earn a second bachelor’s degree in engineering....
Arts & Sciences text http://artsci.wustl.edu/ SEE MORE SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE ✅ This is an overview of your homepage shares on social networks. Congratulations, your website is highly shared on social media! It's an excellent signal for your overall SEO strategy. Facebook Total Engagement...
课程由商学院和School of Engineering & Applied Science and Arts & Sciences的教授共同讲授,确保学生...
当时周围绝大多数人都会在大二的时候转UC Berkeley和UCLA,我认识转成功的就快有10来个了 TOP10的学校...