1、获取现成的世界资源配置文件 在你电脑上打开饥荒游戏,点击创建世界,选择一个没有用过的存档,我们以第一个为例, 按照你想要的资源进行调整,洞穴也要设置。MOD暂时可以一个都不选,我在下一块会详细讲MOD的设置。 点击创建世界,等到进入世界的时候,退出,这个时候你的配置文件已经生成啦! 2、上传你刚生成的资源...
If the cloud computer runs Linux Ubuntu 18.04, the administrator can change the image of the cloud computer to update its OS in the EDS console, and you do not need to manually update the OS on the cloud computer. If you need a cloud computer that runs Linux Ubuntu 20.04, the administra...
After your administrator performs a scale-up operation for your Windows cloud computer in the Elastic Desktop Service (EDS) console, the system disk size of the cloud computer remains unchanged. Cause You installed security software such as Huorong Internet Security on your Windows cloud computer,...
详细api文档可以查看socket.io // 所有的消息请求都是建立在已连接的基础上的io.on('connect',onConnect);// 发送给当前客户端socket.emit('hello','can you hear me?',1,2,'abc');// 发送给所有客户端,除了发送者socket.broadcast.emit('broadcast','hello friends!');// 发送给同在 'game' 房间的...
然后初始化测试类中的组件字段,一般是要测试的组件从userInfo获取,或Game.Scene获取。 测试异步方法,官方说推荐使用async ETTask而不是用async void,测试需要异步方法,异步方法调用照样使用await,亲测,在ET框架下,async void、async ETVoid、async ETTask,都可以使用异步保存,然后向下走,官方异步单元测试:https://do...
(control "console") ) (map (key 112) (control "start") ) (map (key 127) (control "peek-left") ) (map (key 1073741882) (control "cheat-menu") ) (map (key 1073741883) (control "debug-menu") ) (map (key 1073741896) (control "start") ) (map (key 1073741898) (control "peek-...
Console: December 14, 1 AM – 10 AM (UTC) Map Service Dev’s comment: We’ve decided to introduce a new rotation strategy after careful consideration of player feedback regarding our map rotation system.Rotations will now vary between map selection and random map ...
Welcome to the game "Wudber". You have to get into the world of hunting. Collect money, buy weapons, destroy the target. With each level the game will be complicated exponentially. Collect a record amount of money, get the achievement. In the game there are challenging bonus levels....
Online multiplayer on console requires Xbox Game Pass Ultimate or Xbox Game Pass Core (sold separately). DETAILS REVIEWS MORE Description Wielding her enchanted dragon nunchaku, Kim Wu flips, kicks, and burns her way through her opponents, determined to end Gargos on her own terms. Playable char...
后台Console: 一些状态Debug和GM命令,比如查看各个模块的异步调用状态,PProf数据,刷新大地图NPC等等。 Lua脚本: 可以拉取一些服务器内部数据状态,比如玩家数据,并对其进行简单修改。 PProf: 通过http pprof或者配合Console拿到pprof数据,也能对当前系统状态有一份不错的参考,特别针对与死锁或者性能问题,具体使用参考...