{1}627通观上诉机构的解释实践,这种“文本主义”(textual-ism)的立场更是表现得淋漓尽致,条约“文本”(text)的重要性常被强调至极高的程度。{2}393一个典型的例证是,上诉机构几乎逢案必要“查字典”,将字典中的语义解释作为厘清文本中系争“用语(terms) ”“通常意义(ordinary meaning)”的首要步骤。上诉机构频...
6. WTO上诉机构在“中美出版市场准入案”中对“录音产品分销”术语所采用的“当代意义”(contemporary meaning)解释方法,固然有其自身的先例可供援引,也有国际法院类似的解释方法可资借鉴,但是尚不足以构成公认的国际公法的习惯解释规则。“当代意义”解释作为一种条约解释方法的新趋...
一、世界贸易组织ABC:As part of the peace movement brewing on the eve of World War I, Russian women observed their first International Women's Day on the last Sunday in February Elsewhere in Europe, on or around 8 March of the following year, women held rallies either to protest the war ...
WTO的法律规则框架 规则框架 解释规则 9/19/2022 1ruc hly 建立世界贸易组织的法律依据 《建立世界贸易组织的马拉喀什协定》 (世界贸易组织协定) AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THEWORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION 9/19/2022 2ruc hly 2.协定的主要内容: 前言、16个条款、(名称变更)说明、 附件...
WTO的法律规则框架 规则框架 解释规则122620211建立世界贸易组织的法律依据 建立世界贸易组织的马拉喀什协定 世界贸易组织协定 AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THEWORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION1
Highly legal in nature-the text of the WTO is highly legal in nature – written like a legal contract -and is often open to various interpretations – this often results in disagreements over the meaning and implications of the WTO rules ?Costly in terms of legal expenses-the dispute process...
1. China shall notify the WTO of any subsidy5 within the meaning of Article 1 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures ("SCM Agreement"), granted or maintained in its territory, organized by specific product, including those subsidies defined in Article 3 of the SCM Agreement....
Taken together, these factors compel a greater investigation into the meaning and application of Articles 7 and 8. This article aims to contribute to this enquiry by exposing the individual elements of each provision to a detailed textual analysis. As will be demonstrated, necessity, reasonableness,...
It will take weeks for the problem to be patched, meaning that the 737 Max fleet will remain grounded for the foreseeable future. Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 plunged into a field shortly after takeoff in early March. Indonesian Lion Air Flight 610 nosedived into the sea last October, killin...
Standard of Review: Meaning and Connotation (A) What is standard of review? (B) Why standard of review? (C) DSU provisions on Standard of Review III. Standard of Review in Anti-Dumping Disputes (A) Background (B) Text of Article 17.6 (C) DSB interpretation of Article 17.6 a. Clause...