respectively. Purchasing managers’ indices (PMIs) based on business surveys provide a timely indication of the state of the global economy. PMI data for January 2018 to August 2023 are shown in Chart 6, with values greater than 50 indicating expansion and values less than 50 denoting contraction...
Trade Data Monitor LLC.Viewed atTrade Data Monitor-Global Trade Data Statistics Supplier.Originally published inWTOOctober 2024,Global Trade Outlook and Statistics Update.Viewed athttps/ contrast to merchandise,commercial services trade...
tradeupdatewtooutlookglobalstatistics Global TradeOutlookan dStatistics Update:October2023 AbouttheWTO TheWorldTradeOrganizationistheinternationalbodydealing withtheglobalrulesoftradebetweennations.Itsmainfunction istoensurethattradeflowsassmoothly,predictablyandfreely aspossible,withalevelplayingfieldforallitsmembers. ...
Source: WTO andUNCTAD for historical data, WTO Secretariat estimates for forecasts. 2015Q1 2015Q2 2015Q3 2015Q4 2016Q1 2016Q2 2016Q3 2016Q4 2017Q1 2017Q2 2017Q3 2017Q4 4 GLOBALTRADEOUTLOOKANDSTATISTICS-APRIL2024 ThecurrentUSdollarvalueofworldmerchandisetrade (asmeasuredby theaverageofexportsand ...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) released the latest global trade data and Outlook report 2, reducing the forecast of Global trade growth from the previous 3.7% to 2.6% this year. WTO said that global trade growth in 2018 was 3%, much lower than expected, due to factors such as trade ...
The world trade organization's updated global trade data and Outlook report released in June 23rd shows the first quarter of this year.
According to the WTO, trade increased by 1 percent quarter-on-quarter and 1.4 percent year-on-year in the first three months of this year. Recent data in value terms indicate weaker-than-expected trade growth in Europe, while other regions have experienced stronger-than-expected growth, it sa...
GLOBAL TRADE OUTLOOK AND STATISTICS - UPDATE: OCTOBER 2023 1 WTO lowers trade growth forecast amid global manufacturing slowdown A continued slump in goods trade that began in the fourth quarter of 2022 has led WTO economists to scale back their trade projections for the current year while ...
AbouttheWTOTradeMonitoring Since2009,theWTOTradeMonitoringReportshaveprovidedMemberswithregularupdatesontradeand trade-relateddevelopments.InitiallyconceivedtoprovidetheWTODirector-Generalwithregularbriefingsonthe tradeimplicationsoftheGlobalFinancialCrisis(GFC),theWTOTradeMonitoringeffortundertheTradePolicyReview ...