另一方面,给惠国自行制定和调整普惠制方案给予发展中国家不同的优惠待遇,在实践中很可能成为给惠国操纵发展中国家的其他不属于贸易制度的规则的杠杆。 按照联合国《可持续发展目标清单》(list of Sustainable Development Goal),“发展中国家”(Developing Countries)是发展程度介乎“发达国家”(developed countries)和“不发...
List of figures List of tables List of contributors Acknowledgements 1. Introduction John S. Odell Part I. Multilateral Negotiations: 2. The evolution of national interests: new issues and North-South negotiations during the Uruguay Round J. P. Singh 3. Reframing the issue: the WTO coalition on...
这些实践和思想在弗里德里希·李斯特的著作中变成了一个连贯的理论框架,在今天,李斯特被视为幼稚产业保护的一个关键性人物:为了变得具有竞争力,一个国家需要经历这样一个阶段,即通过关税制度对幼稚产业实行保护(见从List, 1827到Williamson,2002)。通过关税、管制、许可证及其它措施为幼稚产业创建第一个国内市场,这种思想...
Negotiating trade : developing countries in the WTO and NAFTA List of figures List of tables List of contributors Acknowledgements 1. Introduction John S. Odell Part I. Multilateral Negotiations: 2. The evolution of national interests: new issues and North-South negotiations during the Uruguay Roun...
Airbus champions fair trade, emphasising open markets & a level playing field, as no one wins in trade conflicts and all benefit from balanced competition.
US removes 25 countries from developing nations list. (2020). Fibre2fashion.com. Retrieved 24 July 2020, from https://www.fibre2fashion.com/news/textile-news/us-removes-25-countries-from-developing-nations-list-255181-newsdetails.htm#:~:text=The%20countries%20for%20which%20the,%2C%20South...
Preference shall be given to nationals from WTO Members without any representation as well as from developing and least developed countries (LDCs) Members with low representation (one or two staff members) at the professional level in the Secretariat (list below). Particular attention will be given...
Illustrative list例示清单 Import deposits进口押金 Import licensing进口许可 Import substitution进口替代 Import surcharge进口附加税 Import variable duties进口差价税 Industrial designs工业设计 Infant industry幼稚产业 Information Technology Agreement(ITA)《信息技术协议》 Injunctions禁令 Initial negotiating rights(INRs)...
China has institutionalized its commitment to expanding imports through concrete actions over the past years. Among them were measures like cutting import duties, optimizing the list of cross-border e-commerce retail imports and launching the annual China International Import Expo (CIIE) in 2018. At...