Further, it also suggests an original approach to the interpretation of the relevant provisions of the GATT and the TBT Agreement in the context of PPM measures. The PPM issue has been one of the most debated topics in the trade and environment debate. Even though the US–Shrimp case ...
animal or plant life or health, or the environment.Footnote104The crucial stipulation is that these measures should not be more trade-restrictive than necessary to achieve a legitimate objective. This requirement necessitates a panel to conduct a necessity test when evaluating the legality of a memb...
Sabrina ShawJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdReview of European Community & International Environmental LawTrade and Environment: The Post-Singapore WTO Agenda. Sabrina Shaw. Rev. Eur. Community & Int’’l Envtl. L . 1997Trade and Environment:The Post-Singapore WTO Agenda. Sabrina Shaw. Rev. Eur. ...
Sampson P. Gary, ―Effective Multilateral Environment Agreements and Why the WTO Needs Them.‖ The World Economy vol. 24, 9 (September 2001): 1109-34.Sampson,G.P.Effective Multilateral Environment Agreements and Why the WTO needs them. . 2001...
资源描述 ChatWTOAn Analysis of Generative Artificial Intelligence and International TradeW H I T E P A P E RS E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 4Global Future Council on International Trade and InvestmentImagesGetty ImagesDisclaimer This document is published by the World Economic Forum as a contri...
tions. Its main idea goes back to Johnson (1953-54) and builds on the classic optimal tari¤ argument: 3 in a neoclassical environment, each country has an incentive to impose import tari¤s in order to improve its terms-of-trade. However, if all countries impose import tari¤s in an ...
body, the Committee on Trade and Environment, was also established. Second Ministerial Conference Between May 18 and 20, 1998, Geneva, Switzerland hosted the 2nd WTO Ministerial Conference. The 2nd Ministerial Conference of the WTO (18-20 May 1998) in Geneva had the most significant result in ...
and the effect of trade rules on efforts to protect the global environment. However, the book addresses these controversial issues without sacrificing academic rigour and will appeal to a scholarly and professional audience seeking new approaches to addressing the problems raised by the globalization of...
What is China's strategy in the fields of the environment and intellectual property rights? Including contributions from key players in the process, this book provides an authoritative assessment of these issues and the likely impact on the emerging Asian-Pacific economies. ...
⑦Matthew Cole and Robert Elliott,“Determining the trade-environment composition effect:the role of capital,la⁃bor and environmental regulations,”Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,vol.46,no.3,2003,pp.363-383;Shunsuke Managi,Akira Hibiki and TetsuyaTsurumi,“Does trade openness impro...