WTO的《反补贴协定》(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, SCM)是判定补贴是否构成不公平贸易的主要法律依据。根据SCM协定,补贴分为“禁止性补贴”和“可诉补贴”两类。禁止性补贴,如出口补贴和进口替代补贴,无论是否造成损害,都被视为违反WTO规则。对于可诉补贴,WTO会评估其是否导致了实质性损害或实...
[1] 《补贴与反补贴措施协议》(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,SCM Agreement)简称《反补贴协议》(SCM协议),是世界贸易组织管辖的一项多边贸易协议,是在关贸总协定东京回合同名协议的基础上修改和补充的,是对《关贸...
Page 229 AGREEMENT ON SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING MEASURES Members hereby agree as follows: PART I: GENERAL PROVISIONS A rticle 1 Definition of a Subsidy 1.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, a subsidy shall be deemed to exist if: (a)(1) there is a financial contribution by a government...
aSCM Agreement defined: “The WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures disciplines the use of subsidies, and it regulates the actions countries can take to counter the effects of subsidies. Under the agreement, a country can use the WTO’s dispute-settlement procedure to seek the wit...
然而,WTO《补贴与反补贴协定》(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,以下简称《SCM协定》)将政府放弃应征收的收入作为财政资助纳入补贴范围,因此自贸港税收优惠的国际合规问题尤为显著。 在自贸港货物贸易税收优惠中,关税、增值税和消费税在...
WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing MeasuresWTO Agreement on AgricultureSince the expiry of the 'peace clause' at the end of 2003, it has been unclear which obligations under the WTO SCM Agreement apply to subsidies granted to agricultural products. This is in particular important for ...
5. 《补贴与反补贴措施协定》(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,简称SCM)旨在限制成员国对本国企业的补贴措施,以避免对其他国家的贸易造成不正当的影响。 此外,WTO还有关于贸易措施审议和解决争端的《争端解决谅解》(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes,简称DSU...
According to the WTO’sAgreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, nonactionable subsidies (“green” subsidies) include nonspecific subsidies. A、正确 B、错误
5、(Subsidies)和反补贴(Anti-Subsidies)的基本原则。WTO补贴与反补贴措施协定(Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, SCM Agreement)1则是WTO关于补贴和反补贴的实施细则二、二、 SCM 协定的宗旨协定的宗旨This agreement does two things: it disciplines the use of subsidies, and it regulates the...
《GATT1994》第6条和第16条确立了WTO关于补贴(Subsidies)和反补贴(AntiSubsidies)的基本原则。WTO《补贴与反补贴措施协定》(AgreementonSubsidiesand CountervailingMeasures,SCMAgreement)[1]则是WTO关于补贴和反补贴的实施细则 二、SCM协定的宗旨 Thisagreementdoestwothings:itdisciplinestheuseofsubsidies,anditregulatesthe...