WTI原油期货合约,全称为West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Futures Contract,是国际原油市场上最为重要的期货合约之一。该合约以美国西德克萨斯中质原油(WTI)为标的物,由芝加哥商品交易所(CME)提供交易平台。WTI原油以其高质量和低硫含量著称,是全球原油定价的重要基准之一。 WTI原油期货合约的基本结构包括每手合约代表10...
The current price of WTI Midland today is $76.08 per barrel. Live charts, historical data, futures contracts, and breaking news on WTI Midland prices can be found below.
The ICE West Texas Intermediate (WTI) Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures Contract offers participants the opportunity to trade one of the world's most liquid oil commodities in an electronic marketplace. The contract not only brings the benefits of electronic trading a US light sweet crude marker, bu...
(a) we introduce copula functions to have a better representation of the dependence structure of oil Futures with equity indexes; (b) using this copula representation, we are able to analyze in a precise manner the "maturity effect" in the choice of crude oil Future contract with respect to...
WTI Crude Oil daily price charts for the futures contract. See TradingCharts for many more commodity/futures quotes, charts and news.
Trading of these contracts to hedge price risk is a key step towards WTI Houston as published by Argus being used as a pricing reference for crude exports from the US Gulf coast in the coming years. “The use of the Argus WTI Houston crude oil futures contract by customers furthe...
Exclusive briefing on Midland WTI Crude Oil Futures (HOU) In a May 2024 webinar held by ICE, Mike Wittner, Global Head of Oil Market Research, presented on how ICE's Midland WTI contract (HOU) provides an effective solution to manage price & physical supply risks. Click the link below to...
The price of WTI can be compared to the prices other of crude oils, i.e. UK Brent, the OPEC basket, and Dubai Fateh oil. WTI crude oil is the underlying commodity of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s oil futures contracts. U.S. oil production and its influence on light oil prices ...
WTI Crude Oil e daily price charts for the futures contract. See TradingCharts for many more commodity/futures quotes, charts and news.
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