wtf did I just read û收藏 37 94 ñ725 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 985关注 73万粉丝 24506微博 微关系 她的关注(984) 下载陆 tongpeng198012 歌舞伎町果果子 蓝鲸TMT网 她的粉丝(73万) 大腦電波_ ...
wtf did I just read? û收藏 41 28 ñ190 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 983关注 73.2万粉丝 24499微博 微关系 她的关注(982) 歌舞伎町果果子 蓝鲸TMT网 峰哥亡命天涯 爱捅人的小女孩 她的粉丝(73.2万) 秀...
Did you expect the loop to run just once? 💡 Explanation: The assignment statement i = 10 never affects the iterations of the loop because of the way for loops work in Python. Before the beginning of every iteration, the next item provided by the iterator (range(4) in this case) is...
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is literally what you were stopping Lillith from doing. This is literally what you’re trying to stop Mephisto from doing, but now, you’re swearing to do it because some random knight you randomly killed asked you to do so? WHY? Where did this ...
README MIT license wtfdil What the F*** did I learn? Usage pip install requests python`username``password` Statistics Languagenumber of repos Others◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽◽ ...
Over time, the consumption of veal has dwindled dramatically, and I mean DRAMATICALLY. Americans today consume only about 15% as much as we did just a quarter century ago. Why is that? Well, I’m not smart enough to know the answer, but perhaps it’s generational. Perhaps people recoil...
WDYS = What Did You Say? WDYT = What Do You Think? WE = Whatever Wot/Wut = What WRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WRU = Where Are You Wrm = Warm WTF = What The F WTG = Way To Go! WYW = Wish You Well WUZ = Was WU = What’s Up WX = Weather W8 = Wait W/ = Wi...
JustGreg DX Legend Posts: 1445 Oakdale, Connecticut USA or FN31 Re: WTF Radio Worldwide 6955 USB 2135 UTC 18 DEC 2022 « Reply #16 on: December 18, 2022, 2303 UTC » I have it with a good/excellent (S9+) signal. Playing OH Come All You Faithful. Just did ID. Merry ...
Did I finally exorcise my demons and leave them with the leeches in Lake Huron, never to haunt me again. Maybe it was the desire to give my kids stability. Maybe I secretly love the cold. Truthfully, I couldn’t tell you, but for the first time in my life, I feel like I have a...
I wouldn’t expect too much from them tbh I’d like to add to your list. Is there going to be any fallout between the brothers after what Diablo did in D3? He absorbed Mephisto and Baal to become THE Prime Evil and the only reason they aren’t still one being is because of Maltha...