✨TAKE A LOOK!:WT588D voice sound module voice chip 16P8M memory voice module board REASONS TO BUY:✨ Chip: the sound module is a high-quality chip that can be used for a long time. it can also be used as a memory card, which is more convenient to use. ✨ Integrated circuits:...
WT588D USB Audio Burner Voice Programmer Downloader VoiceChip WT588D-16P 28p with Mini USB Cable Sold by diymore Alice1101983 Store(Trader) Ship to Vietnam AliExpress commitment Shipping: ₫38,591 Delivery:Apr. 21,item ships within 9 days ...
WT588D多功能·高音质语音芯片(单片机内核)WTN588D Voice Chip --- ☆联合台湾华邦共同研发,具有单片机内核的可编程语音芯片; ☆功能多·音质好·应用范围广·性能稳定; ☆配套软件WT588D voiceChip可轻易做好语音组合播放、插入静音等; ☆对比市面同类功能语音芯片IC降低30%成本,品质稳定性提升39...
Whether you're looking to enhance your singing voice or create a sophisticated audio system, this module's audio capabilities are sure to impress. Instruction: The WT588D voice chip is a powerful voice microcontroller chip that can be erased and programmed repeatedly. WT588D makes the voice chip ...
WT588D voice chipSCMinfrared detection该设计给出了一种基于WT588D"~音芯片的红外防盗报警系统设计方案。WT588D-~音芯片是一款功能强大的可重复擦除烧写的语音单片机芯片,借助于嵌入式技术和红外热释电原理,可实现对不同程度的非法入侵播放不同的报警声音,达到警示和防盗的作用。该系统具有成本低,音质好,应用范围广的...