[ local ] jvm_opts: - -server - -Djava.awt.headless=true - -Djava.io.tmpdir=[[canonicalPath .Path "aem/home/tmp"]] - -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=[[.Env.AEM_AUTHOR_DEBUG_ADDR | default "" ]] - -Duser.language=en - -Duser.country...
第一层:在我们输入docker pull redis的时候,第一步先加载宿主机的linux内核【linux在刚启动的时候会加载bootfs(包含bootloader和kernel。bootloader主要的作用是引导加载kernel)文件系统】。 第二层:当内核加载完成后,docker进行拉取基础镜像也就是linux发行版(Rootfs:在bootfs之上包含的就是典型linux系统中的/dev、/proc...
_AngelicDragon_ Added image - Today at 07:00 (Image unrelated.. sorta. It was my first skin.) Like i teased in a post earlier today, i am going to be making Mihaly Shilage's Su-30SM livery when it drops on the dev server. I figured that i might aswell explain now how things...
ip访问是Fedora Webserver Test Page页面,尝试使用域名访问 修改hosts记录 sudo vim /etc/hosts earth.local terratest.earth.local wq 这儿有个坑,就是不要添加为两行,如下,不然第二个域名会访问不到,下面是我之前添加的,导致后面走了弯路 ...
Test Version (Synced with dev branch updates, testing new features): Quick CPU Demo 1. Install magic-pdf conda create -n MinerU python=3.10 conda activate MinerU pip install -U magic-pdf[full] --extra-index-url https://wheels.myhloli.com 2. Download model weight files Refer to How to...
Update "Hornet's Sting" devserver - New ground vehicles part 1 Note: Penetration values for HEAT type rounds on stat cards seem to be bugged. They work in-game as intended though. US XM246 TT location: After M163 STAB: 2P Max pen: 127mm APDS ...
data_disk: /dev/sda8 update_available: true version: "9.0" version_latest: "9.5" ➜ ~ ha os update ⣟ Processing... 结果失败了…… 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 ➜~ha os update Processing...Done.Error:Can't fetch OTA update from https://github.com/home-ass...
if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-univel-sysv${UNAME_REL} else echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-pc-sysv${UNAME_REL} fi exit ;; i*86:*:5:[678]*) # UnixWare 7.x, OpenUNIX and OpenServer 6.case...
The download for the Shattered Worlds:War-Torn version 1.64 client, better known as the Creeping Darkness Expansion. Voted one of the Top 100 mods of 2009 by ModDB.com and featured in PC gaming magazines such as PC Gamer and PC Action, the SW:WT mod...
But feel free to drop “lz4”, “zlib” and/or “zstd” if there is a hassle about installing those libraries’ dev packages. Only snappy is used in 99%+ of MongoDB deployments. --with-builtins lz4,snappy,zlib,zstd, ie. without a “=” between option name and values, will fail ...