Well, you could always search and decline all updates you don’t want and then run the Server Cleanup Wizard, but its PITA. My WSUS folder went from 75 GB to 20 GB so I’m happy. Reclaim VMFS Datastore I’m not sure if you’re aware, but when you’re using Thin Provisioning it ...
I was looking at our WSUS server and noticed the content folder is over 700Gb. As I was looking through the updates I noticed that we have updates from XP, Vista, 7... etc. that we no longer need or will use. We exclusively use Windows 10. I started going through and individually ...
2. Run the cleanup wizard -- this will remove files in the WsusContent folder. 3. Change the approval of all DECLINED updates from declined to "Not Approved" (and apply inheritance). 4. Run the cleanup wizard again -- this will decline all expired updates. 5. Re-approve needed updates...
Have you ever used this WSUS alone to manage updates and have approve some updates? You may decline the unuseful updates and then run the cleanup wizard. And you may delete all the files and folders in the WSUSContent folder and then run the command WSUSUtil.exe RESET. ...
If you notice that your WSUS Content folder is bigger than usual, you might want to check this option.b. Download Express Installation FilesThis options is what you are looking for if you have a slow WAN. The amount of data that a client receives over the wire is much smaller. The ...
$computers = Get-Content -Path C:Computers.txt foreach ($computer in $computers) { Invoke-Command -ComputerName WSUSSERVER -ScriptBlock { Add- WsusComputer -Computer $using:computer -TargetGroupName ‘Group Here’ } Install-WindowsUpdate -ComputerName $computer } ...
I have installed new wsus server on windows 2016 server.I am facing strange issue.It is showing me updates are being downloading but my content folder is empty. All microsft sites are allowed to this server and able to download update http://download.windowsupdate.com/ site. Amit Kaushal ...
(100G), at that time, I only choose some necessary products, such as "Win 10","win2012 (R2)", "win7", while I also choose "download express installation files", then my WSUS server is crash, unable to connect to the console. (I store content folder on C drive at ...
(content/D3/5EDACCE1...2150D3.esd from the wsus server. I manually went to the location and copied it to the c:/Windows/softwaredistribution/download/72e71...84eeed folder and renamed the file to what it was expecting according to the Windows update log. Then restarted the system and...
(content/D3/5EDACCE1...2150D3.esd from the wsus server. I manually went to the location and copied it to the c:/Windows/softwaredistribution/download/72e71...84eeed folder and renamed the file to what it was expecting according to the Windows update log. Then restarted the system and...