薩摩亞時間(WST)比世界協調時間(UTC)早01:00小時。 WST(薩摩亞時間) 代表城市 薩摩亞 - 阿皮亞(夏季) 相關時區
WST=UTC+ 01:00 23:00:39 Saturday, February 08, 2025
UTC/GMT is 17:00 on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 Difference from Unknown, China Not your location? 9 hours ahead of Western Sahara Summer Time Western Sahara Summer Time is one hour ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time standard, written as an offset of UTC + 1:00. That means to find...
EET to WST AZOST to WST GMT to WST Popular Time Zone Converters IST to BST EST to UTC EST to EDT PST to PDT PDT to EDT UTC to IST CST to PST EDT to BST PDT to CET EST to PDT Popular Stow Converters Stow to HNA Stow to HNA Stow to VLAT Stow to ...
Time Zone Abbreviation / Name CET - Central European Time CEST - Central European Summer Time UTC / GMT Offset +1:00 hour during Central European Time, currently in use. +2:00 hours during Central European Summer Time. Daylight Saving Time Change ...
UTC/GMT is 13:06 on Friday, February 7, 2025 Difference from Unknown, China Not your location? 16.75 hours ahead of Australian Central Western Standard Time Australian Central Western Standard Time or ACWST has a UTC offset of +8:45. This means that the time zone is 8 and three quarter...
tz = d.getTimezoneOffset(); if (tz < 0) s += tz / 60 + " hours before GMT"; else if (tz == 0) s += "GMT"; else s += tz / 60 + " hours after GMT"; return(s); } (9)getYear函数:返回日期的"年"部分。返回值以1900年为基数,例如1999年为99。前面有例子。
澳大利亞中西部標準時間(ACWST)比世界協調時間(UTC)早08:45小時。該時區為標準時區時間,主要用於 澳洲澳大利亞中西部標準時間為非整點時區。當地時間與整點時區時間相差45分鐘。 ACWST(澳大利亞中西部標準時間) 代表城市 澳大利亞 - 歐庫拉(全年) 相關時區 ...
WST to GMT PDT to WST WST to WET IST to WST WST to B MESZ to WST WST to PST Popular Time Zone Converters CET to GMT CST to PDT IST to PST PST to UTC CST to BST EDT to PST BST to PDT CET to EST EDT to CST PDT to PST Popular Seonwon Converters...
WST to EET WST to EGST WST to WET WST to GMT Popular Time Zone Converters CET to EST EST to CET EDT to UTC EST to GMT PST to EST CET to CST PDT to IST IST to CST UTC to PST EST to EDT Popular Belitsa Converters Belitsa to HNA Belitsa to MESZ Belit...