WSSC Water delivers clean drinking water to almost 2 million people in Montgomery and Prince George's counties with zero quality violations in 100+ years.
Report a Problem - Quickly notify WSSC Water of water running down the street, a sewer overflow or a broken fire hydrant. The sooner we know about a problem, the sooner we can fix it! Service Alerts - Check for service disruptions in your area, or at another address. ...
The Piscataway Bioenergy facility will turn Poop to Power by transforming how WSSC Water handles biosolids. Construction on the $271M facility began in spring 2019 and was completed in fall 2024 on time and on budget.Bioenergy Facility Grand Opening...
Report a Problem - Quickly notify WSSC Water of water running down the street, a sewer overflow or a broken fire hydrant. The sooner we know about a problem, the sooner we can fix it! Service Alerts - Check for service disruptions in your area, or at another address. ...