在MariaDB 10.1之前,即使该变量默认情况下为ON,其值也会根据是否已指定强制配置以打开Galera复制而自动调整。 从MariaDB 10.1开始,默认情况下将其设置为OFF,并且必须启用它才能启用Galera复制。 wsrep_OSU_method 说明:在线模式升级方法。 默认值为TOI,指定不带可选参数的设置将设置为RSU。 TOI:总订单隔离。 在每个...
修改wsrep_on参数值为off,drop表,打开另一个会话,发现表依旧存在。这个参数的主要作用是控制当前结点的写入是不是要复制到其他节点。与MySQL的sql_log_bin很相似。测试过程如下: pxc01–>node1 mysql> show variables like 'wsrep_on'; +---+---+ | Variable_name | Value | +---+---+ | wsrep_on ...
PXC集群参数之wsrep_on 修改wsrep_on参数值为off,drop表,打开另一个会话,发现表依旧存在。这个参数的主要作用是控制当前结点的写入是不是要复制到其他节点。与MySQL的sql_log_bin很相似。测试过程如下: pxc01-->node1 mysql>showvariableslike'wsrep_on';+---+---+|Variable_name|Value|+---+---+|wsrep_...
Could it be some index/foreign key issues? I'm completely at a loss here. Any help is appreciated! Config:mysqld Ver 5.7.23-23-57 for Linux on x86_64 (Percona XtraDB Cluster (GPL), Release rel23, Revision f5578f0, WSREP version 31.31, wsrep_31.31) Tables (a bit simplified): creat...
wsrep_mode ON Yes Yes wsrep_node_address host address:default port Yes wsrep_node_incoming_address host address:mysqld port Yes wsrep_node_name <hostname> Yes wsrep_notify_cmd Yes wsrep_on ON Yes wsrep_OSU_method TOI Yes wsrep_preordered OFF Yes wsrep_provider NONE Yes wsrep_pr...
wsrep API patch for MySQL server. Contribute to Mu-L/mysql-wsrep development by creating an account on GitHub.
Specifies which checksum algorithm to use on the socket layer NO socket.dynamic Specifies whether to enable connection engine to accept both SSL and TCP connections NO socket.non_blocking socket.recv_buf_size Sets the size of the receive buffer that is used on the network sockets between nodes ...
The instructions on this page were used to create the galera package on the Ubuntu and Debian Linux distributions. This package contains the wsrep provider for MariaDB Galera Cluster. MariaDB Galera Cluster starting with 5.5.35 Starting with MariaDB Galera Cluster 5.5.35, the version of the ...
If the transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED , InnoDB does the search on S as a consistent read (no locks). Otherwise, InnoDB sets shared next-key locks on rows from S . InnoDB has to set locks in the latter case: During roll-forward recovery using a statement-based bin...
wsrep API patch for MySQL server. Contribute to Mu-L/mysql-wsrep development by creating an account on GitHub.