In 2012, GENIVAR acquired WSP Group PLC (William Sales Partnership Ltd.), a multidisciplinary consultancy based in London, UK, leading to the creation of a professional services firm with 15,000 employees in 300 offices worldwide. The company reorganized as WSP Global Inc. and adopted WSP as...
WSP is a world-leading engineering and professional services consulting firm. Explore our expertise in designing sustainable solutions across various sectors.
MEET THE #WSPCHANGEMAKERS We are a group of passionate and collaborative people working together to have an… Who we are Our story Corporate responsibility Who we are Accountable for Tomorrow Communities Corporate Governance Decarbonisation Diversity and Inclusion Ethics and Integrity Heal...
Across the world, WSP can regroup a unique blend of consultants, scientists and engineers to work throughout the lifecycle of a project, from strategy to delivery and commissioning to operations, in order to offer innovative and implementable solutions. ...
The article reports on the merger between engineering and design consultancies WSP Group and Genivar leading to the creation of a professional services firm with combined revenues of 1.1 billion Brit...
offers the benefits of a strong local base with a staff compliment of 3,200. We can support any major development with specialist engineering expertise and technology from across our group. Our experienced engineering experts have contributed to the success of a large number of landmark projects ...
SO_GROUP_PRIORITY 保留的。 SO_KEEPALIVE Windows Sockets SPI 用戶端可以藉由開啟 [SO_KEEPALIVE 套接字] 選項,要求 TCP/IP 提供者啟用在 TCP 連線上使用 keep-alive 封包。 Windows Sockets 提供者不需要支援使用 Keep-alives:如果是,精確語意是實作特定的,但應該符合 RFC 1122: 通訊層的需求第4.2.3....
int CALLBACK ConditionFunc( IN LPWSABUF lpCallerId, IN LPWSABUF lpCallerData, IN OUT LPQOS lpSQOS, IN OUT LPQOS lpGQOS, IN LPWSABUF lpCalleeId, IN LPWSABUF lpCalleeData, OUT GROUP FAR * g, IN DWORD_PTR dwCallbackData ); lpCallerId 和lpCallerData 是值参数,这些参数必须包含连接实体的地...
SO_GROUP_PRIORITY int 保留。 SO_KEEPALIVE BOOL 发送keep-alives。 在 ATM 套接字上不支持 (会导致错误) 。 SO_LINGER 结构挥之不去 如果存在未输入的数据,则关闭时会一无所获。 SO_OOBINLINE BOOL 接收正常数据流中的 OOB 数据。 SO_RCVBUF int 指定为接收保留的每个套接字缓冲区空间的总量。 这与SO...
int CALLBACK ConditionFunc( IN LPWSABUF lpCallerId, IN LPWSABUF lpCallerData, IN OUT LPQOS lpSQOS, IN OUT LPQOS lpGQOS, IN LPWSABUF lpCalleeId, IN LPWSABUF lpCalleeData, OUT GROUP FAR * g, IN DWORD_PTR dwCallbackData ); lpCallerId 和lpCallerData 是值參數,必須包含連接實體的位址,以及...