在安装该累积更新之后,版本号升至 Build 19041.508。不过用户表示升级之后导致 WSL 2 无法正常加载,并显示“Element not found error”(元素未找到错误)。目前尚不清楚具体有多少用户受到影响,以及具体是哪些问题导致这个问题。虽然KB文章上的已知问题并没有列出WSL 2的问题,但GitHub上的回应表明,该公司正在努力...
玩懂手机网消息,日前,微软发布了新的累积更新 KB4571756,更新后的版本号升至 Build 19041.508。不过本次 Windows 10 的更新后又出现了新问题。 据外媒消息,有用户表示,在安装累积更新 KB4571756 升级至 Build 19041.508 后,导致 Windows Subsystem for Linux 2(WSL 2)无法正常加载,并显示 “Element not found err...
原文 https://www.windowslatest.com/2020/09/09/windows-10-wsl-element-not-found-error/ 复制代码...
> wsl --set-version ubuntu 2 Conversion in progress, this may take a few minutes... For information on key differences with WSL 2 please visit https://aka.ms/wsl2 Element not found. Then it fails with the message. Expected behavior ...
有用户反馈安装更新,使版本号升至 Build 19041.508后,WSL2就无法正常加载和使用,显示“Element not found error”(元素未找到错误)。 目前尚不清楚是什么原因导致此次的bug ,微软也尚未对此事做出回应。而GitHub已表明正在努力修复该问题...
有用户反馈安装更新,使版本号升至 Build 19041.508后,WSL2就无法正常加载和使用,显示“Element not found error”(元素未找到错误)。 目前尚不清楚是什么原因导致此次的bug ,微软也尚未对此事做出回应。而GitHub已表明正在努力修复该问题。 因此建议使用WSL2的用户先不要更新该版本。若已经更新,目前唯一的解决方法就...
Error: 1168Error code 1168 usually translates to "Element not found" in Windows. This error indicates that some required files, registry entries, or features are missing or improperly configured. In the context of WSL installation.Step 7: I even tried reinstalling Windows, which did not help....
Error: error getting credentials - err: exit status 1, out: error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-wincred.exe": executable file not found in %PATH%, out: Then I did the following: Changed /home/xxx/.docker/config.json to {"credStore":"desktop.exe"} Went into a ...
Warning [parser.cc:833] XML Attribute[version] in element[sdf] not defined in SDF, ignoring. [ INFO] [1696869405.694519532, 633.533000000]: <initialOrientationAsReference> is unset, using default value of false to comply with REP 145 (world as orientation reference) ...
not found configure: error: Please ensure the argon2 header and library are installed 解决方法: 打开 https://pkgs.org/ ,查找 libargon2 ,找到 centos8 的rpm包,下载安装。 wget https://download-ib01.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/8/Everything/x86_64/Packages/l/libargon2-20171227-3.el8.x86_...