although now windows can access wsl service with localhost:port via "localhostForwarding", but wsl cannot access windows service via localhost:port, please fix it, Thank you. Describe the solution you'd like When WSL 2 try to connect to localhost:port and be refused, try to connect to windo...
Try to access it from the browser using the localhost address:localhost:3000 -> The browser can't connect Re-start the app by specifying a different portPORT=3001 npm start -> The browser can connect Further details I expect that this is due to specific configuration on my machine, but I...
其中之一是(在撰写本文时)WSL 2 的普遍可用版本不支持 GPU 或 USB 访问(详细信息请参见。GPU 支持在 2020 年 5 月的Build会议上宣布,并且在撰写本文时可通过 Windows Insiders...
✅这时出现了数据库服务器的Register界面。 他在General里的Name里,填写了数据库服务器名shopping-list-web-app。 他又点击Connection页签,在Host name/address里,填写了数据库服务器主机名postgres。 他确认了一下,Port已经填好了5432,Maintenance database已经填好了postgres。 他把Username改成了postgres。把Passwor...
{ listen 80; server_name _; access_log /data/wwwlogs/access_nginx.log combined; root /mnt/e/wwwroot/default; index index.html index.htm index.php; #error_page 404 /404.html; #error_page 502 /502.html; #location /nginx_status { # stub_status on; # access_log off; # allow 127.0...
如果结果为 “Hi Bro! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access”,则说明连接成功。 若提示:ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused,大概是没关Ladder,关掉Ladder再重试即可。 附录
第一次从WSL 2连接到特定端口时,Windows Defender(如果该端口是防火墙)通常会显示一个对话框,询问您...
这样,在WSL 2中运行的应用程序就应该连接到localhost:<port>。由于SSH客户端连接到Windows主机,因此许可...
这样,在WSL 2中运行的应用程序就应该连接到localhost:<port>。由于SSH客户端连接到Windows主机,因此许可...