Install Windows Subsystem for Linux with the command, wsl --install. Use a Bash terminal on your Windows machine run by your preferred Linux distribution - Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, Kali, Fedora, Pengwin, Alpine, and more are available.
Unregister or uninstall a Linux distribution (注销或卸载 Linux 发行版) While Linux distributions can be installed through the Microsoft Store, they can’t be uninstalled through the store. 尽管可以通过 Microsoft Store 安装 Linux 发行版,但无法通过 Store 将其卸载。 To unregister and uninstall a WSL...
wsl--import-in-place<Distribution Name> <FileName> Imports the specified .vhdx file as a new distribution. The virtual hard disk must be formatted in the ext4 filesystem type. Unregister or uninstall a Linux distribution While Linux distributions can be installed through the Microsoft Store, they...
选择WSL1 (需要 Win10.1709),Linux 的文件系统将出现于宿主机的D:\WSL-Ubuntu-22.04\rootfs文件夹中,Linux 的文件将直接呈现在 NTFS 文件系统中,一份典型的 Linux 基础安装,文件数能达到 30000+ 。 选择WSL2 (需要 Win10.2004),其本质是让 Linux 运行在一个虚拟机中,虚拟机中运行着真正的 Linux 内核,Windows...
E:\WSL\LxRunOffline.exe uninstall -n centos7 安装完后运行linux E:\WSL\LxRunOffline.exe run -n centos7 如果想初始化到任务栏,可创建快捷方式写入“C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "E:\WSL\LxRunOffline.exe run -ncentos7"” 在放到任务栏之前,如果还想自定义图标,则给该快捷方式设置自定义图标 ...
E:\WSL\LxRunOffline.exe uninstall -n centos7 安装完后运行linux E:\WSL\LxRunOffline.exe run -n centos7 如果想初始化到任务栏,可创建快捷方式写入“C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /c "E:\WSL\LxRunOffline.exe run -n centos7"” 在放到任务栏之前,如果还想自定义图标,则给该快捷方式设置自定义图标 ...
Now I want to uninstall the old "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows", so I run: C:\WINDOWS\system32>lxrun /uninstall /full Warning: lxrun.exe is only used to configure the legacy Windows Subsystem for Linux distribution. Distributions can be installed by visiting the Windows Store: ...
More than that, we will also look into ways to unregister, uninstall, and reinstall a Linux distribution and, toward the end of this chapter, create a custom Linux distribution for WSL.Singh, Prateek
WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80070002 Error: 0x80070002 (#10099), similarity score: 0.72 Closed similar issues: WSL uninstall error (#7256), similarity score: 0.75 Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux Error (#11430), similarity score: 0.75 ...
distribution. ui, uninstall Uninstall a distribution. rg, register Register an existing installation directory. ur, unregister Unregister a distribution but not delete the installation directory. m, move Move a distribution to a new directory. d, duplicate Duplicate an existing distribution in a new ...