WSL2: Distribution Ubuntu installed in the host machine I'm having the next error when I try to sync maven: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested exception is: Connection refuse...
当网络环境良好(例如在公司,能直接访问Google等)时, Docker/Podman 安装和使用不是问题。 当网络环境不佳(例如在家里),要把 WSL2 的 Ubuntu 安装好 Docker, 并顺利拉取 Docker/Podman 镜像, 并且运行的镜像实例也需要把网络问题搞定,我踩了5个坑, 记录如下。 我使用 WSL2, Ubuntu22.04。 1. 第一个坑:Dock...
Your Distribution version: Ubuntu 18.04 Whether the issue is on WSL 2 and/or WSL 1: WSL 2 Steps to reproduce When I start a Django server from WSL 2, and try to access to it by Google Chrome on windows by typing the url http://localhost:8000, I get "Connection refused" message. ...
When starting H2O on WSL using h2o.init(), it attempts to form a cloud of size 2, including a node at, but encounters a "Connection refused" error. This issue does not occur on a dedicated PC with Ubuntu OS. Diagnostic Logs h2o .err: " 2024-10-15 14:22:11.685...
(20 封私信) 如何解决win10 子系统用wsl安装ubuntu22.04不能用systemctl? - 知乎 ( 可能是因为当时是WSL1升到wsl2版本的原因,启用Distrod 成功后关闭bash终端导致子系统崩溃了,表现为启动终端就直接闪退. 用Mobaxterm 报错Network error: Connection refused. ...
首先分别查看5173端口号在Ubuntu和Windows上是否被非法占用情况,前者由node占用,后者无占用 其次通过curl分别在Windows和Linux下查看目标网页localhost:port/ip:port,无法获取或者为空白页面 最后查看防火墙 检查主机文件的Hosts条目:在Windows主机上,打开以下文件以检查是否存在与localhost相关的条目: ...
#在 ubuntu 中运行:# -fsSL|sudoapt-keyadd - sudoapt-add-repository"deb [arch=amd64]$(lsb_release -cs)main"sudoapt-getupdate&&sudo apt-get install vagrant ...
建立一個資料夾存放配置( mkdir -p /etc/.kube/ 將conf放入你的虛擬機器中的資料夾 使用--kubeconfig 引數顯式指定 /etc/.kube/config 檔案測試: kubectl --kubeconfig /etc/.kube/config get nodes 發現配置檔案是正確起作用了,將其設定為系統環境變數 ...
✅ Cannot connect to WSL2 docker service from LAN, netsh portproxy already set:Hello, I recently started a docker service in my WSL2 ubuntu, and I would like to access it from my LAN devices, I followed the instructions in this... 切换到WSL2.0后无法连接到x-server Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused无法显示窗口 3,出现CUBLAS_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR报错 ...