17 – Now lets install a GUI for the kali distribution. First update everything by typing the command: “sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrand -y”. it will ask for your password. this is what you will see: 18 – Now to install the desktop type: “ sudo apt install kali-desktop-xfc...
必须source ~/.profile之后才可以使用,我已经在.profile里加了source /etc/profile,只有user模式下才可以使用。sudo -s后就不可以使用;
而明明PATH路径下包含该命令,让人疑惑。其实出现这种情况的原因,主要是因为当 sudo以管理权限执行命令...
sudo can't find vscode $ sudo code /etc/profile.d/custom-profile.sh [sudo] password for xxxx: sudo: code: command not found Expected behavior Open files, modify them and save as root with vscode. Actual behavior Can't open vscode as root 👍1 ...
proman@---:~$ wsl Command'wsl'not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install wsl heres my latest attempt Currently, my WSL/ubuntu shell doesn't even work because of a troubleshooting step that an agent did, where they opened a folder named "CanonicalGroupLimited" (at the p...
sudo: npm:在WSL中找不到命令 在WSL中,当使用sudo npm命令时出现"sudo: npm:在WSL中找不到命令"的错误提示,这是因为npm命令没有正确安装或者没有在系统的环境变量中配置。 要解决这个问题,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 确认npm是否已经正确安装:在WSL终端中输入npm -v命令,如果显示npm的版本号,则表示npm已经安装...
tar -xvf cmake-version.tar.gz cd cmake-version ./bootstrap make make install # 测试安装是否成功 cmake -h 如果安装过程中出现Could NOT find OpenSSL……报错。解决办法参考https://blog.csdn.net/shellmoon/article/details/114001296 7.2 hmmer安装 sudo apt install hmmer # 测试安装是否成功 jackhmmer...
如果没有权限创建或上传文件,执行命令:sudo chmod -R 777 /etc/docker如果没有 vim 命令,参考:Docker 问题 | 编辑文件出现 bash: vi: command not found. 测试docker服务 命令:docker ps 如果报错:(因为docker需要root权限才能访问) ”Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket...
$ sudoapt list--installed|wc-l WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with cautioninscripts. 1057 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. apt 常用命令 apt Command in Linux | Linuxize ...
Command'nvcc'not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit 使用如下命令安装nvcc conda install -c nvidia cuda-nvcc 安装完后再测试就不会有问题了。但是这里有一点很奇怪,就是如果我直接在系统里面安装官方的 CUDA 和 CUDNN,nvcc识别到的就是正确的CUDA版本,但是这样安装显示...