第三步,保存~/.bashrc,用source命令使之生效:source ~/.bashrc 最后成功了 发布于 2024-03-12 17:19・IP 属地四川 WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) Visual Studio Code 赞同21 条评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载
首先从alphafold2的官方github网址GitHub - deepmind/alphafold: Open source code for AlphaFold.中下载程序并解压(建议解压到你准备存放数据库的盘中) 2. 下载数据库 这里建议使用迅雷下载,下载链接在/alphafold-main/script/里面每个sh脚本里有对应的下载链接,下载完成后对着每个sh脚本操作解压,注意解压的路径和文件名...
"Microsoft-Windows-User Profile Service%4Operational.evtx" ) $SourceDestinationPairs = ( (($UpgradeLogs + 'setup*.log'), ($LogsDestinationPath + '\Panther\')), (($WULogsPath + '*.etl'), ($LogsDestinationPath + '\WindowsUpdate\')), (($env:windir + '\Logs\CBS\CBS.log'), ($Log...
1.解决办法# 我这里取巧了一下, 在.bash_profile中再调用一下.bashrc, 如下 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 代码运行 echo>>${HOME}/.bash_profile<<-'EOF'source ${HOME}/.bashrcEOFsource ${HOME}/bash_profile
command git clone https://github.com/zdharma/zinit "$HOME/.zinit/bin" && \ print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{34}Installation successful.%f%b" || \ print -P "%F{160}▓▒░ The clone has failed.%f%b" fi source "$HOME/.zinit/bin/zinit.zsh" ...
I had to search the source to find out about wslview which I'd never heard of before. Once I found that, installing wslu was straightforward. Something like the below would provide a more actionable error message: Failed to locate a utility to launch the default web browser. Please install...
Fix /dev/alarm time source Bash -c now able to redirect to a file Additional bugfixes and improvements LTP Results: Number of Passing Test: 664 Number of non-Passing (failing, skipped, etc…): 264 Syscall Support Below are a list of new or enhanced syscalls that have some implementatio...
command not found# 在Ubuntu下运行如下命令# sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer# 在cent os下运行如下命令# yum install mkfontscalesudomkfontscalesudomkfontdir# 如果提示 fc-cache: command not found# 在Ubuntu下运行如下命令# sudo apt-get install fontconfig# 在cent os下运行如下命令# yum ins...
Switchedwsl--installto not require the--distributionargument. This change switcheswsl--installto not require the--distributionargument but maintains support to avoid breaking existing scripts. Addedwsl.exe--versioncommand which displays relevant version information ...
但是当WSL终端关闭后,新打开的WSL终端使用arm-oe-linux-gcc -v指令时就会又提示找不到命令了,这时我们就需要在~/.bashrc文件末尾加上一行前面的source /usr/local/oecore-x86_64/environment-setup-armv7a-vfp-neon-oe-linux-gnueabi生效指令。这样,每次我们打开WSL终端的时候,都会去配置这一环境变量。