Remove/re-install WSL Upgrade to Pre-Release 2.0.1 Un-install Hyper-V Management and Service Features (This had been enabled for Docker 4 Desktop, which used to require this) Tried starting a v1 WSL distro; this also hung - didn't spend too much time on this avenue though. ...
Remove TrustedInstaller registry protections before writing the registry during installation (solves#11376) WSLg: Create /run/user/ as a tmpfs mount that systemd expects (solves#11261) Add support for distro compressed with xz, or bzip for WSL1 ...
安装WSL 2 之前,必须启用“虚拟机平台”可选功能 wsl --set-version Ubuntu 2 #升级到WSL2,其中 Ubuntu 是已经安装的Linux名称,命令格式:wsl --set-version <Distro> <Version> 启用WSL后,通过 \wsl$ 可以访问WSL文件 WSL2 与docker 集成 最初的WSL是在Windows之上模拟Linux内核,但是Windows和Linux之间存在如...
如果需要在非默认分发版中更新忘记的密码,请使用命令:wsl -d Debian -u root,记得将Debian替换为目标分发版的名称。 在PowerShell内的根级别打开 WSL 发行版后,可使用此命令更新密码:passwd <WSLUsername>,其中<WSLUsername>是 DISTRO 中帐户的用户名,而你忘记了它的密码。 系统将提示你输入新的 UNIX 密码,然后...
[WSL2] Support Docker Desktop by creating cross distro mounts. A distro can opt-in to this behavior by adding the following line to the /etc/wsl.conf file: Copy [automount] crossDistro = true Build 18945 For general Windows information on build 18945 visit the Windows blog. WSL [WSL2...
[WSL2] Support Docker Desktop by creating cross distro mounts. A distro can opt-in to this behavior by adding the following line to the /etc/wsl.conf file: Copy [automount] crossDistro = true Build 18945 For general Windows information on build 18945 visit the Windows blog. WSL [WSL2...
下载发行版后,请提取其内容,并手动安装发行版,使用PowerShell提取下载的<distro>.appx包的内容: Rename-Item .\Ubuntu-1804.appx .\ Expand-Archive .\ .\Ubuntu cd .\Ubuntu && ls ##进入Ubuntu目录并查看包含的文件 Ubuntu文件 ...
axel conda config --remove-key channelscat>~/.condarc<<EOF channels: - defaults show_channel_urls: true default_channels: -
2.3.Step 3: Set Up a Linux Development Environment From a Windows terminal, enter WSL: C:\> wsl.exe The default distro is Ubuntu. To update the distro to your favorite distro from the command line and to review other WSL commands, refer to the following resources: ...
命令行直接使用wsl --set-version <Distro> 2即可将已有的发行版无缝升级到 WSL2,哪怕是这篇文章里的魔改版本…… 也可以用wsl --set-default-version 2将以后新安装的发行版默认安装为 WSL2。 但目前麻烦的是,在目前版本中WSL2 和 Win32不使用同一套IP地址(之后会修复),所以网络工具,包括 X Server 配置...