我nvcc -V是ok的,但是nvidia-smi一直报错,Command ‘nvidia-smi’ not found, but can be installed with: 解决 cp /usr/lib/wsl/lib/nvidia-smi /usr/bin/nvidia-smi chmod ogu+x /usr/bin/nvidia-smi 在wsl2中运行这两个语句,再输入nvidia-smi,成功了 ——— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「吴铭星」的原...
环境: Window11下的WSL: 运行jax,导致nvidia-smi无法使用,不过经过测试发现虽然nvidia-smi报错无法使用,但是GPU已经可以正常使用,调用jax的GPU运行也保持正常,只不过无法使用nvidia-smi对GPU状态进行查询。
那么我们想要了解更多的情况的话,该怎么办呢。可以在cmd中输入nvidia-smi,但是通常情况下直接在cmd中输入nvidia-smi是没有用的,那该怎么办呢 找路径 一般的路径为:C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI 添加环境变量 [在这里插入图片描述] 右击此电脑,点击高级系统设置 [在这里插入图片描述]
经过几次调整WSL(用于Linux的Windows子系统,也被称为Bash for Windows)可以用于Docker for Windows。
Hi, I encountered a problem while configuring nvidia. My Windows runnviddia-smicorrectly, but it failed in my WSL2, here are the results. Windows: WSL2: ldd -v /usr/lib/wsl/lib/nvidia-smi: Version of WSL2: Have somebody met this problem? Please help me, thank you very much!
In this standalone terminal, run nvidia-smi. At this point I observe the expected output Launch my WSL Ubuntu on Windows terminal as a tab in an existing Windows Terminal instance Run nvidia-smi in the WSL Windows Terminal tab. Observe the NVML Driver load error??
I have new windows server where I have installed WSL2 for GPU pass through, but nvidia-smi command is not working and it gives NVML initialization : unknown error whereas nvidia-smi.exe is working from the windows sideHowever, It works on another server with similar ...
On WSL2 if everything is setup correctly the binary should be in your PATH and it is located in/usr/lib/wsl/lib. You should see nvidia-smi there. If it is not there I would suggest double checking your driver version and trying installing a more recent driver:Official Drivers | NVIDIA...