这个是控制是否能够在WSL中执行Windows程序的。如果开启的话,就可以在WSL中执行Windows程序。比如可以使用/mnt/c/Windows/notepad.exe 打开记事本。 (4)在wsl.conf中可使用的标签:[user] (5)在wsl.conf中可使用的标签:[boot] 下面是官方给出的一个wsl.conf文件配置样例: # Automatically mount Windows drive wh...
Your Windows build number: 10.0.18922.1000 What you're doing and what's happening: Execute wsl in any folder What's wrong / what should be happening instead: Wsl should start with cwd in windows path ( /mnt/ to folder ), but it just star...
# Automatically mount Windows drive when the distribution is launched[automount]# Set to true will automount fixed drives (C:/ or D:/) with DrvFs under the root directory set above. Set to false means drives won't be mounted automatically, but need to be mounted manually or with fstab.ena...
WSL2安装的是Ubuntu,Ubuntu上安装了doceker 现在要在docker中访问Windows上的S盘,也就是要将S盘挂载到WSL的docker上 0x01 实现方法 在Ubuntu中挂载网络盘S盘到/mnt/s sudo mkdir /mnt/s# 挂载的目录要存在sudo mount -t drvfs'\\Desktop-34rfdsds\d'/mnt/s# \\Desktop-34rfdsds\d 为网络路径,不能填S...
mount: /mnt/myrmthost/myrmtshr: bad option; for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program. 123devcommentedJul 31, 2020 OKsudo mount -t drvfsworks in Ubuntu 20.04 in windows WSL2 ...
# Automatically mount Windows drive when the distribution is launched[automount]# Set totruewill automount fixeddrives(C:/or D:/)withDrvFs under the root directorysetabove.Set tofalsemeans drives won't be mounted automatically,but need to be mounted manually orwithfstab.enabled=true# Sets the di...
But is easily mount net disk in windows file manager. So if your windows share is already mapped to a drive in the Windows host, it can be even simpler. Suppose you already mounted the share on Z:. In that case the following will work:[1] ...
sudo mount-t drvfs D:/mnt/d ``` 执行完上述命令后,D盘的文件将被挂载到`/mnt/d`目录下。 3.使用Python读取D盘文件: 现在,可以使用Python来读取D盘的文件。以下是一个简单的示例代码: ```python #导入所需的模块 import os #D盘挂载点 d_drive='/mnt/d' ...
在WSL中,默认情况下只能访问WSL子系统的文件系统,无法直接访问Windows系统的文件。为了读取D盘文件,需要将D盘挂载到WSL文件系统中。 在WSL终端中执行以下命令来挂载D盘: ```bash sudo mkdir/mnt/d sudo mount-t drvfs D:/mnt/d ``` 1. 2. 3.
sudo mount -t drvfs D: /mnt/d Learn more about mounting scenarios. If you have an Ext4-formatted drive, you cannot mount it on your Windows file system. In order to mount an Ext4-formatted drive on your Linux distribution with WSL, you can use thewsl --mountcommand following the instru...