cd /mnt/c/Users/Username/Desktop/path_to_file (Username要改成自己的用户名,不要直接照搬) 在shell打开wsl文件夹界面: explorer.exe . 在可视化见面看见的wsl中的文件: \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\home\username\path_to_file (同样,Username要改成自己的用户名,不要直接照搬) 进入root模式: su 然后输入密码,之...
所以,我们需要再运行一下wsl,就恢复了。 PS C:WINDOWSsystem32> wsl -l -v NAME STATE VERSION* ubuntu-18.04 Stopped 2PS C:WINDOWSsystem32> wslroot@zerolife:/mnt/c/WINDOWS/system32# exitlogoutPS C:WINDOWSsystem32> wsl -l -v NAME STATE VERSION* ubuntu-18.04 Running 2 1. 好了。终于可以使...
To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo ". See "man sudo_root" for details. test@DESKTOP-2VBQPJK:/mnt/d/myproject$ git ls-files | xargs cat | wc -l 16194 test@DESKTOP-2VBQPJK:/mnt/d/myproject$ exit logout PS d:\myproject> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7....
00:00:00 weston-rdprail- wslg$ exit logout Problems 问题 cannot open display: :0[^1] Error: couldn't open display :0 Error: unable to open display :0 XCB failed to connect to the X server due to error:1. EGLUT: failed to initialize native display qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect...
4. 启动并设置好root密码 启动 终端运行wsl,或者ubuntu或者bash,就能进入wsl2系统 开始程序里面启动Ubuntu 终端新建ubuntu vscode终端启动,或者借助wsl插件进行连接 更换源 #删除ubuntu源文件并重建sudorm/etc/apt/sources.list&&touch/etc/apt/sources.list#输入阿里源至/etc/apt/sources.listprintf"#阿里源deb http...
运行以下命令为root设置密码 sudo passwd ✨安装 Docker Desktop for Windows 下载 Get Started with Docker | Docker 或者 Docker Hub 点击下载installer 安装 官方文档安装教程如下 Double-clickDocker Desktop Installer.exeto run the installer. If you haven’t already downloaded the installer (), you can ...
out/target/product/<product_name>/obj/PACKAGING out/target/product/<product_name>/ramdisk out/target/product/<product_name>/debug_ramdisk out/target/product/<product_name>/vendor_ramdisk out/target/product/<product_name>/recovery out/target/product/<product_name>/root ...
我笔记是直接从苑老师的第二章开始写的:-D,有朋友可能不了解链接终端的方式。目前我本地是Vmware ...
user, replace<Distribution Name>with the name of your preferred Linux distribution (ie. Debian) and<User Name>with the name of an existing user (ie. root). If the user doesn't exist in the WSL distribution, you will receive an error. To print the current user name, use the command...
You can type stopvnc to stop VNC server 在容器环境下,输stopvnc来停止启动 VNC server 如需了解更多参数,例如-non-stop-dbus(不停止 dbus-daemon),请输stopvnc --help 如果您遇到了无法退出容器的情况,则请将 stopvnc 添加至 ~/.zlogout [[ $(egrep '^[^#]*stopvnc' ~/.zlogout) ]] || prin...