The above command only works if WSL is not installed at all. If you runwsl --installand see the WSL help text, please try runningwsl --list --onlineto see a list of available distros and runwsl --install -d <DistroName>to install a distro. To uninstall WSL, seeUninstall legacy vers...
--no-launch: Install the Linux distribution but do not launch it automatically. --web-download: Install from an online source rather than using the Microsoft Store. When WSL is not installed options include: --inbox: Installs WSL using the Windows component instead of using the Microsoft Store...
Hello good people of Docker Community, my issue is regarding the "WSL 2 is not installed" error I'm receiving on native Windows 10, build 2004. The error is mistaken because I actually have WSL 2 installed, but I have it installed in a custom folder in my secondary disk, underD:\WSL...
--no-launch: Install the Linux distribution but do not launch it automatically. --web-download: Install from an online source rather than using the Microsoft Store. When WSL is not installed options include: --inbox: Installs WSL using the Windows component instead of using the Microsoft Store...
For example, if you already have WSL1 installed and run wsl --install, why it would assume that you want to install WSL2. If you have WSL2, why does running wsl --install would make WSL2 by default, etc. "@microsoft please, hire better programmers and QA." it is not a bug; ...
As you said, it seems that wsl is not installed on my computer. com.docker.diagnose.exe check also says as below.[FAIL] DD0024: is WSL installed? exec: "wsl": executable file not found in %PATH% So I read the document you recommended and installed wsl_update_x64 and Ubunt...
请检查名称的拼写,如果包括路径,请确保路径正确,然后再试一次。所在位置 行:1 字符: 1+ wsl --set-default-version 2+ ~~~+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (wsl:String) [], CommandNotFoundException+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException...
The Windows Subsystemfor Linuxoptional componentisnot enabled. Please enable itand try again. See details. Pressanykeytocontinue... 出现这个错误的原因是没有安装Windows子系统支持(如果前面打开那个功能过后就重启就不会出现这个问题)。
Learn more about different WSL versions, including why WSL 2 is now the default and the specific scenarios or exceptions that may warrant switching your installed Linux distribution to the earlier WSL 1 architecture.Comparing WSL 1 and WSL 2...
Not sure how you were able to set default wsl to 2, but docker is gonna do it automatically, all you need to do is install it first(that why i said im not sure, because this error occurs when it doesn’t installed imho). You can install it by this way ...