"WSL2 is not supported with your current machine configuration" after enabling Hyper-V, Virtual Machine Platform, Windows Subsystem for Linux, Hypervisor Platform and virtualization in up-to-date bios. (#9652), similarity score: 0.83 WSL not working after windows update (#10185), similarity scor...
Fix WSL is not working or starting in Windows 11 WSL will not work on your computer if the feature itself is disabled, this seems self-explanatory, but a lot of users tend to leave WSL disabled when trying to access the feature. This problem can also be caused if some of the related ...
If I copy the exact same folder into the Windows NTFS filesystem (C:\foo\bar) then VSCode + Go-Extension opens the folder just fine with full static analysis + code-helpers working 100% as intended. The strange thing about this is that I'm the only one in my team who is ...
project files on the Linux file system, using Linux command line tools, but also using VS Code on Windows to author, edit, debug, or run your project in an internet browser without any of the performance slow-downs associated with working across the Linux and Windows file systems.Learn more...
借鉴安装方法:Win10手动安装.appx格式UWP应用的方法https://windows10.pro/install-appx-appbundle-uwp/进入“设置 - 更新和安全 - 针对开发人员”设置界面。选中“旁加载应用”.然后我们就可以像安装传统的.exe程序一样双击.appx或.appbundle格式的UWP应用安装包进行安装了,按照提示点击“安装”和“启动”按钮即可...
AFAIK the WS2022 is being developed in the same cycle as the Windows 10 and Windows Server 21H2. If that is true, there is quite a big chance WSL2 will be part of the WS2022, when released. Well, unless the product team decides to remove it, not include it or simp...
The command PS C:\Users\Administrator> wsl --set-default-version 2 still just outputs the same as the command bellow wsl --help and doesn't switch to mode 2 PS C:\Users\Administrator> wsl --status Default Version: 1 Windows Subsystem for Linux was last updated on 4/2/2021 ...
由于我的操作系统是最新的Windows10,集成的WSL是WSL2,安装之前其实是不需要设 置那几个特性的,所以我先把这四个特性全部取消勾选。 下载DockerDesktop 安装,弹出这个界面,第一个选项是说你要基于WSL2安装还是基于Hyper-V安装? 它默认推荐你基于WSL2安装, 那我们就先按它的推荐来。点OK ...
In summary, “wsl”: executable file not found in %PATH% appears to be the root cause. Have you checked the requirements? Docker Documentation – 9 Nov 23 Install Docker Desktop on Windows Get started with Docker for Windows. This guide covers system requirements, where to download...
Download and install VS Code for Windows. VS Code is also available for Linux, but Windows Subsystem for Linux does not support GUI apps, so we need to install it on Windows. Not to worry, you'll still be able to integrate with your Linux command line and tools using the Remote - WS...