直接在powershell里输入nvidia-smi,出来的是windows下的cuda版本 01-11 · IP 属地河南 回复4 阿孟 The CUDA driver installed on Windows host will be stubbed inside the WSL 2 as libcuda.so, therefore users must not install any NVIDIA GPU Linux driver within WSL 2 其实官网已经说明了 不需要再安装...
安装nvidia-docker osuser:~/dev/application-demo$ sudo apt-get update [sudo] osuser 的密码: 命中:1 https://apollo-pkg-beta.cdn.bcebos.com/neo/beta bionic InRelease 获取:2 http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable InRelease [3,569 B] 获取:3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal...
Once a Windows NVIDIA GPU driver is installed on the system, CUDA becomes available within WSL 2. The CUDA driver installed on Windows host will be stubbed inside the WSL 2 aslibcuda.so, thereforeusers must not install any NVIDIA GPU Linux driver within WSL 2. One has to be very careful...
6.1 NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. @PC:/mnt/e/CUDA$ nvidia-smi NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA dr...
4、在WSL2上安装CUDA Toolkit(2种):https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/wsl-user-guide/index.html 1)用WSL-Ubuntu Package安装CUDA Toolkit 11.8,官网网址有安装命令! 2)用Meta Package安装CUDA Toolkit(注意:不要在WSL2上安装NVIDIA driver) $wgethttps://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu...
wsl 和 windows 10只需要安装一个 nvidia-driver,wsl内部不能安装nvidia-driver。经测试,不需要使用特供的driver。cuda 的话使用 https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads?target_os=Linux&target_arch=x86_64&Distribution=WSL-Ubuntu&target_version=2.0&target_type=deb_local 我的机器没法...
安装Nvidia驱动 安装Cuda Toolkit 通过PyTorch安装CUDA Toolkit 测试Nvcc 参考链接 前言 以前捣鼓过wsl,即Windows下的Linux子系统,但兼容性依然比不过原生的Linux系统,使用cmake等命令会出现奇怪的问题。 最近听说wsl2出来了,而且也可以在wsl上安装nvidia显卡驱动了,有网友实测跑深度学习模型速度能比Windows的快一倍左右,...
尝试按这个解决:NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn‘t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. 最全解决方案!详细! root@DESKTOP-PO8BKKM:~# ls /usr/src | grep nvidia nvidia-535.54.03 root@DESKTOP-PO8BKKM:~# sudo apt-get install dkms Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree.....
2.1. Step 1: Install NVIDIA Driver for GPU Support Install NVIDIA GeForce Game Ready or NVIDIA RTX Quadro Windows 11 display driver on your system with a compatible GeForce or NVIDIA RTX/Quadro card from https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx. Refer to the system requirements in the...
3. 安装CUDA,如果Windows中安装过显卡驱动子系统不需要安装显卡驱动,ubuntu会自动识别。下载和你显卡匹配的CUDA即可。我的显卡是 NVIDIA-SMI 515.57 Driver Version: 516.59 CUDA Version: 11.7 下载CUDA11.3 注意Distribution一定要选择WSL-Ubuntu,参考官方文档 ...