WSL2 should not restart network interface Hyper-V-VmSwitch every 2-10 minutes. Actual Behavior Every 2-10 minutes (sometimes a break of up to half an hour) Hyper-V-VmSwitch restarts it's network interface and logs it to windows logs, which causes sound stuttering on my usb headphones. N...
[wsl2]networkingMode=bridgedvmSwitch=VETHipv6=true 粘贴以上内容到.wslconfig并保存 networkingMode指定网络类型为bridged(桥接) vmSwitch指定网卡为上面创建的虚拟网卡,注意名称一致 ipv6配置为可选,删除本行即禁用,也可改为false 配置WSL2 开机自启动 New-Item WSL_AutoStart.vbs notepad .\WSL_AutoStart.vbs ...
[wsl2] networkingMode=bridged # 桥接模式 vmSwitch=wsl # wsl是用hyper-v创建的虚拟交换机的名字 ...
(1)终端执行命令:sudo chmod 777 /etc/apt/sources.list更改文件权限使其可编辑;(2)执行命令:s...