但是,在尝试其他服务时,例如 ssh(也在非标准端口上尝试过),该端口不会通过 localhost 自动变为可用,我必须使用分配给我的 WSL 发行版的 IP 地址(来自wsl hostname -I) 为了通过 localhost 提供服务,我发现了这个portforwarding script,它有效。但我想了解为什么需要它。 为什么某些服务需要端口转发,而不是所有服务?
查看hostname, username hostname #DESKTOP-19JBVQS whoami #shakesbeer 设置防火墙 不知道为什么 Windows Defender 下面的选项是灰色的点不开... 只好从控制面板进 See -->用 ssh 从外部连接到寝室个人电脑的 Ubuntu 系统或 win10 下的 WSL--Linux 子系统 或者在 cmd 中 netsh advfirewall firewall add rule...
case=off"# Sets the `/etc/fstab` file to be processed when a WSL distribution is launched.mountFsTab =true# Network host settings that enable the DNS server used by WSL 2. This example changes the hostname, sets generateHosts to false, preventing WSL from the default behavior of auto-...
在WSL会话中,我们可以运行任何Windows可执行文件: NAME STATE VERSION(您必须确保在调用.exe命令时总是添加.exe,否则它们不能工作)来关闭当前运行的WSL会话wsl.exe -t Ubuntu-20.03,但问题是我不知道会话名。当我们在WSL会话中时,hostname是不同的,因此我不知道如 浏览14提问于2021-02-25得票数 13 回答...
ToInWSL>value to a port number where you want WSL to connect, for exampleconnectport=4000. Lastly, theconnectaddressvalue needs to be the IP address of your Linux distribution installed via WSL 2 (the WSL 2 VM address), which can be found by entering the command:wsl.exe hostname -I....
[/home/chaosmos/projects/php/ddev-test/.ddev/config.yaml] name: ddev-test type: php docroot: public php_version: 8.1 webserver_type: nginx-fpm webimage: ddev/ddev-webserver:v1.22.7 additional_hostnames: [] additional_fqdns: [] database: {mariadb 10.4} project_tld: ddev.site ...
Launch powershell with admin, and run the following command, replacing <VMName> with the name of the virtual machine on your host system (you can find the name in your Hyper-V Manager): Set-VMProcessor -VMName <VMName> -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true Please follow guidelines from your...
Configure the initial user for the system. This is mandatory, otherwise the installer assumes it to be interactive and will wait for input from a UI client. Notice that the hostname is not available. A mapping that can contain keys, all of which take string values: ...
[--hostname-replacement <replacement>] [--rewrite-inspect] [--log-level=debug|info|warning|error] [--token <weave-cloud-service-token>] <peer> ... weave prime weave env [--restore] config dns-args weave connect [--replace] [<peer> ...] ...
The hostname of a device matches that of the Windows host. However, it's represented as a Linux device.Open the device page. In the Overview pane, there's a link for where the device is hosted. The link enables you to understand that the device is running on a Windows host. You ...