git commit -m"${time}"git push git statusecho"完成push"elseecho"请添加注释再来一遍"fi 实现的功能是以时间戳作为 commit,提交和推送当前修改 在执行的时候遇到问题 XXX@XXX-x1:~/gitfile/blog$ sudo ./gitpush.sherror: unknown option `all?' usage: git add [<options>] [--] <pathspec>...-...
sudo apt install git zsh -y sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" It should prompt you and ask if you want to enable zsh. Enter 'Y' to continue. Note: If you have trouble getting Zsh to start you may want to try the following...
I have copy-pasted the git-repo of my windows machine into WSL. I will try a fresh-clone and see if things improve. Thank you for the quick tip! Update: Re-cloned the git repos afresh inside WSL using WSL's git but the issue persists. Was worth a try though. hyangahmodified the ...
Device ID: for device files, the device major and minor number of the device. Note that WSL currently does not allow users to create device files on VolFs. File times: the file accessed, modified and changed times on Linux use a different format and granularity than on Windows, so these...
# see #bind -t vi-copy v begin-selection # 复制模式下开始选取 #bind -t vi-copy C-v rectangle-toggle # 复制模式下矩形选取 #bind -t vi-copy y copy-selection # 复制模式下复制选取的内容 #bind -t vi-copy Escape cancel # 复制模式下退出复制模式 ...
\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin;C:\Program Files\Meld\;C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Users\michaelz\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;;C:\Users\michaelz\AppData\Local\Programs\...
git clone ../configure--enable-libsixel--enable-libpulse--prefix=/usr/local make-j$(grepprocessor /proc/cpuinfo |wc-l)makeinstall MAN/INFOPAGE yay ...
对比一下git和直接下载空间的占用,时间就更加不用说了。 把整个流程跑一下,跑个简单的例子:环境安装 运行时依赖 (demo) winse@DESKTOP-BR4MG38:ai$ pip config set global.index-url (demo) winse@DESKTOP-BR4MG38:ai$ pip3 install torch==1.11.0 torchvisio...
%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD:/etc/init.wsl # See sudoers(5) for more information on "#include" directives: #includedir /etc/sudoers.d lsgx@DESKTOP-OS0DFSI:~$ Windows 中添加自动启动的脚本 startubuntu.vbs 。 a. 打开当前用户默认自启动加载文件夹,在 Windows 中,开始-运行,输入: ...
Device ID: for device files, the device major and minor number of the device. Note that WSL currently does not allow users to create device files on VolFs. File times: the file accessed, modified and changed times on Linux use a different format and granularity than on Windows, so these...