To change versions, use the command:wsl --set-version <distro name> 2replacing<distro name>with the name of the Linux distribution that you want to update. For example,wsl --set-version Ubuntu-20.04 2will set your Ubuntu 20.04 distribution to use WSL 2. ...
您可以開啟 WSL Linux 發行版本並輸入:explorer.exe .,以便在 Windows 檔案總管中檢視資料夾。 輸入:\\wsl\<distro name>\mnt\wsl 以<distro name> 您的散發名稱取代 (即 Ubuntu-20.04) 查看這些資料夾。如需在 WSL 中尋找 Docker 儲存位置的詳細資訊,請參閱這個 WSL 存放庫的問題或這個 StackOverflow 文章...
wsl --import <DistroName> <PathToDistroNewDirectory> <PathToTarArchive> $ wsl --import Ubuntu-18.04 E:\WSL\Ubuntu-WSL2 E:\WSL\Ubuntu-18.04-WSL2\ubuntu.tar $ wsl -l -v 设置默认用户 ubuntu1804 config --default-user <USERNAME> 注:ubuntu1804是发行版名称,如果是ubuntu20.04,命令ubuntu1804...
Add-AppxPackage.\app_name.appx Appx 包下载完成后,可以通过双击 appx 文件开始运行新发行版。 (命令wsl -l不会在此步骤完成之前显示发行版已安装)。 如果你使用 Windows Server,或在运行上述命令时遇到问题,可在Windows Server文档页上找到备用安装说明,以通过将.appx文件更改为 zip 文件来安装该文件。
Error code: Wsl/InstallDistro/Service/RegisterDistro/CreateVm/0x80072726 #12577 openedFeb 12, 2025byvankhoango 1 of 2 tasks 5 qemu-i386-static doesn't work on WSL1wsl1 #12576 openedFeb 11, 2025bykotenok2000 1 of 2 tasks 3 Git clone failed when i back to China from Thailandneeds-autho...
dnf list --installed|awk '{print $1}'|awk -F "." '{print $1}'|xargs -n10 dnf download --downloaddir=/data/package sudo find /etc -name '*' -type f \( -mmin -5 -a -mmin +0 \) 安装字体 ## res...
Executed the Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform, which installed and told me it needs a restart. Later after a restart, when trying the wsl --set-version <Distro> 2 step, it goesPS C:\Users\Inari> wsl wsl : The term 'wsl' is not recognized as the...
You can do this by running:dism.exe/online/enable-feature/featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform/allin an elevated PowerShell prompt Click onthis linkto go the WSL store page and clickInstallto install WSL, and then you caninstall a Linux distro of your choiceto start using it. ...
X509Certificate2Collection certificates = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySubjectName, subjectName, false); if (certificates.Count > 0) { store.Remove(certificates[0]); } store.Close(); Windows证书管理 windows里提供了数字证书管理...
Install using 'wsl --install -d <Distro>'. NAME FRIENDLY NAME Ubuntu Ubuntu Debian Debian GNU/Linux kali-linux Kali Linux Rolling openSUSE-42 openSUSE Leap 42 SLES-12 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v12 Ubuntu-16.04 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Ubuntu-18.04 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Ubuntu-20.04 Ubuntu 20.04 ...