glfwMakeContextCurrent(window);glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(window,framebuffer_size_callback);// glad: load all OpenGL function pointersif(!gladLoadGLLoader((GLADloadproc)glfwGetProcAddress)){std::cout<<"Failed to initialize GLAD"<<std::endl;return-1;}// build and compile our shader program/...
GLFWwindow* window;/* Initialize the library */if(!glfwInit())return-1;/* Create a windowed mode window and its OpenGL context */window =glfwCreateWindow(640,480,"GLFW CMake starter",NULL,NULL);if(!window) {glfwTerminate();return-1; }/* Make the window's context current */glfwMakeC...
[Open3D WARNING] GLFW Error: Wayland: The platform does not support setting the window position [Open3D WARNING] Failed to initialize GLEW. [Open3D WARNING] [DrawGeometries] Failed creating OpenGL window. Expected behavior I expected to be able to visualize geometries. ...
TheGLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJORandGLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINORhints specify theminimum versionyou require, but the system is free to give you a context of any later version that's compatible with what you asked for. In this case you got OpenGL 4.1 with the compatibility profile, which can do eve...
在升级到Windows 11之前,当我需要X支持时,我使用了xrdp。这允许使用远程桌面协议和支持的应用程序(如...
在升级到Windows 11之前,当我需要X支持时,我使用了xrdp。这允许使用远程桌面协议和支持的应用程序(如...
参考nvidia官方文档: 第一步: sudo apt-key del 7fa2af80 第二步: sudo apt in
中文使用 R 经常看到各种乱码文字,让人看不懂意思,特别是在 Windows 系统上。
[glfw error 65544]: process_desktop_settings: failed with error: [org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod] No such interface “org.freedesktop.portal.Settings” on object at path /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop [1.529] [glfw error 65544]: Notify: Failed to get server capabilities error: [org....